Spotlight on You
Marketing Your Value
- Wear your credentials with pride! Click here to order an attractive enameled credential pin.
- Record a new voicemail greeting. "This is Matthew Raymond, Board Certified Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurse at Midwest Hospital. Please leave a message."
- Forward this newsletter to your facility's administrators. Point out this link to the Joint Position Statement of the WOCNCB and WOCN Society concerning entry-level WOC nurse education: click here.
- List your WOCNCB credentials when giving PowerPoint or other presentations to colleagues, students, and administrators.
- Find more tips to market your certification in this PowerPoint presentation from the 2008 WOCN Society Annual Conference.
How do you market yourself? Let us know at
Meet the New Board Members
Introducing Your 2009 Board of Directors
Congratulations and welcome to the 2009 WOCNCB slate of officers:
- President, Patricia Gable Burke, BSN, RN, CWOCN
- President-elect and Foot Care Examination Committee Liaison, Diana Gallagher, MS, RN, CWOCN, CFCN, CHT
- Financial Officer and Chair of Credential and Review and Awards Committees, Carol A. Calianno, MSN, RN, CWOCN, CRNP
- Professional Growth Portfolio Committee Liaison, Donna L. Loehner, BSN, RN, CWOCN
- Liaison to the Marketing Committee and Ad Hoc Committee on Alternative Level Certifications, Marilyn Swindle, BSN, MBA, RN, CWOCN
- Chair of Nominations and Experiential Committees, Jeannine Thompson, BSN, RN, CWOCN
- Exam Committee Liaison, Amy Schaffner, MS, RN, FNP-BC, CNS, CWOCN
- Evidence-Based Practice Committee Liaison, Patricia S. Collins, MSN, RN, CNS, APRN-BC, CWOCN
- Chair of Advanced Practice Committee, Donna L. Thompson, MSN, CRNP, BC, CCCN
- Audit Committee Liaison and Public Member, J. Frank Perdue
Accepting the Challenge
From Personal Challenge to Opportunity of a Lifetime
Suzanne Collins MS, RN, CWOCN

Suzanne Collins
Like many nurses, I did not know when I graduated from college that I would ever become interested in what I do today. Over many years in a varied nursing career, opportunities to investigate presented themselves all the time. But it was the challenge and opportunity of intense hardship that made all the difference.
After a long marriage, my husband suddenly left his family and I found myself with three college tuitions looming over my head. In the previous seven years, I had been a full time wife, mother, and domestic engineer who transplanted our family twice to support my husband's job opportunities. With the increased financial obligations, completing a nurse refresher training course became immediately necessary. I found a job on a medical unit at the big hospital downtown. My hourly wage was quite low: I had been told by the nurse recruiter that my job skills were obsolete. What was I to do?
Opportunity knocked. A severe shortage in the Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurse Department made the Lead Certified Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurse (CWOCN®) go shopping for candidates in-house. Over a complex VAC dressing, she discussed the challenges and joys of the job. My love for ostomy patients and the art of wound care from two decades ago resurfaced. I relived the fond memories of my first nurse mentor. She was a Certified Enterostomal Therapy Nurse (CETN), now referred to as a CWOCN. She loved the ET profession and led me through my first two tough years in the nursing profession. At that time I had wanted to quit nursing and try something easy . . . like medical school.
My hourly wage was quite low: I had been told by the nurse recruiter that my job skills were obsolete. What was I to do?
The Lead CWOCN secured a position for me as an interning WOC nurse while I dedicated myself to distance learning through Emory University's Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurse Education Program. That meant a little more money - and a lot more fun! It took nine months to get through the coursework, and after all that effort it made no sense whatsoever to go for anything other than the full-scope Board certification. I wanted "the gold standard" to be reflected in my preparation and in my title.
In April of 2005, I sat for all three exams relevant to the WOCN specialization and passed on the first attempt. As a Board Certified WOC nurse, I immediately received a very significant raise, a new nametag, and the privilege to practice my specialty independently as a peer within my beloved team of Certified WOC nurses at the hospital.
"now I assist with developing clinical solutions for other Board Certified WOC nurse customers, supply scientific and best-practice support through knowledge of the professional literature..."
Now, after years of high-demand work as a CWOCN in the flagship hospital in my area, I have expanded my impact on patient care by entering a different area of the industry. As a respected consultant to a medical products sales force, now I assist with developing clinical solutions for other Board Certified WOC nurse customers, supply scientific and best-practice support through knowledge of the professional literature, assist with product positioning, and many other functions. Very importantly, I can influence the development of new products to assist with the challenges of wound care across the patients' lifespan. For me, pursuing and obtaining WOCNCB certification that is considered The Gold Standard for Certificationsm has been the opportunity of a lifetime. When I left college, I never dreamed that I would be able to make a difference in the lives of so many people. Today I can, because of my advanced education and clinical expertise from the rigorous Certification process in my discipline. I am proud wear the title of Board Certified WOC nurse.
What's YOUR story? Certification eNews always welcomes article submissions from certificants. Contact
The Gift of Time

Saving Her Precious Time
Time is Money - and even more precious to some, as this true story reveals
Denise Elston, BSN, RN, CWOCN
I am a Certified Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurse (CWOCNŽ). I know that the education and training required for Board certification is valuable to me and more important to my patients. This patient benefited from my being a CWOCN by getting back her precious time.
Mrs. Simon (not her real name) was 65 years old with a colostomy for palliative treatment because of colon cancer. She was referred to me by an office nurse because her pouches were leaking. Well, no wonder; she was still wearing the same pouch type with the same stoma size she had been given after surgery more than a year ago. It did not fit correctly. Neither the hospital where she had her surgery nor the home health care service used the services of a WOC specialty nurse.
I easily fitted her with a properly sized wafer and pouch and then asked about her emptying routine. I don't know why I asked, but I am glad I did.
Mrs. Simon said she had no problems with emptying and showed me the routine she was taught. First, she took out newspaper, syringes, a plastic pitcher, and a water bottle. She kneeled on the paper on the floor and began to wash and clean the pouch. Her routine took between 30 and 40 minutes to complete. Mrs. Simon typically emptied five or six times daily, and she carried the necessary items with her in a tote bag wherever she went. This dear lady had literally spent three or more hours in the bathroom every day!
After working together for less than an hour, Mrs. Simon was able to empty in fewer than five minutes. When I called her a week later; she reported that the leaking issue was resolved. She was happy to be rid of a heavy load of bathroom equipment. More important, she was grateful for the freedom to spend time away from the bathroom.
Mrs. Simon knew she was running out of time because of her cancer. Because of my experience and knowledge about supplies and technique, I was able to give her something money can not buy: the precious gift of time.
We may feel sometimes that the time and effort required to meet the eligibility requirements and pass the certification examination are too demanding. But those requirements, which include practical, evidence-based, and theoretical knowledge, enable Board Certified wound, ostomy, or continence nurses to bring benefits to everyone: healthcare administrators and team members, physicians, employers, insurers and other payors, and, especially to patients.
What's YOUR story? Certification eNews always welcomes article submissions from certificants. Contact
Congratulations on Being Board Certified!
Newly Certified between April and June 2008
Congratulations to all of you for earning your WOCNCB credentials, the Gold Standard for Certificationsm! You are part of more than 5300 Board certified nurses in wound, ostomy, continence and foot care.
Leena Ali Al-mansour, BSN RN CWCN Karen Anderson, RN CWCN Neil Christopher R. Apeles, MSN RN CWCN Sally Ann Arnold, MSN RN CWCN Linda C. Badgley, BSN RN CWCN Laura Bares, MSN RN CWOCN Karolyn F. Berry, MSN RN CWOCN Zoe Bishop, BSN RN CWOCN Kimberly Blasiole, BSN RN CWOCN Maryse Bouton, MSN RN CWCN Christina J. Brennan, BSN RN CWOCN Carolyn Kohler Brown, BSN RN CWCN Nancy Brown, BSN RN CWOCN Maylien A. Brual, BSN RN CWOCN Gretchen Caldwell, BSN RN CWOCN Janean Call, BSN RN CWOCN Adrienne Camara, BSN RN CWCN Michele L. Childs, BSN RN CWOCN Coreen L. Chriest, BSN RN CWON Maureen R. Clark, BSN RN CWOCN Page Clemens, BSN RN CWOCN Cassie Cooper, BSN RN CWCN Patricia L. Covel, BSN RN CWCN Mary A. Curtis, BSN RN CWCN Emma B. Daza, RN CWON Restituto G. De Guzman, Jr., BSN RN CWCN James R. DeGrave, BS RN CWON CFCN Sally J. Delabar, BSN RN CFCN Lannie Mae Dobson, MSN RN CWOCN Lori Dwyer, MSN RN CWCN Cynthia Sue Ellis, RN CFCN Janice Erbe, BSN RN CWON Sarah Eskofski, BSN RN CWCN Oscar Harrison Ethridge, BSN RN CWCN Judith L. Faux, BSN RN CWOCN Rhonda Findley, BS RN CWON CFCN Deborah Folsom, BS RN CFCN Sheila Fulle, BSN RN CWOCN Sheryl Fulmer, BA RN CWOCN Jolie Garsombke, BSN RN CFCN Kathryn Genthner, BSN RN CWOCN Karen L. Georgeson, BSN RN CFCN Gail Geraci, BSN RN CWCN Ann E. Gillen, BSN RN CWOCN Theresa M. Goodenough, BSN RN CWOCN Reta Hamilton, MSN RN COCN Barbara J. Hoak, RN CWCN Gail L. Houston, BSN RN CWOCN Margery Jensen, MSN RN CWON Rachel Kaminski, BSN RN CWOCN Jane Carey Karpick, MSN RN CWCN Michele Kessie, BSN RN COCN Deborah Kolterjohn, BSN RN CWCN Mary Susan Komanetsky, MSN RN CWOCN Brent A. Lafaive, BSN RN CWOCN Timothy P. Larsen, BSN RN CWOCN Milagros Lourdes I Lofgren, BSN RN CWON Molykutty Lukose, MSN RN CWON Renee S. Maker, BSN RN CWOCN Tanya Martel, BSN RN CWOCN Jeanette A. Massabni, BSN RN CWOCN |
![]() Gina M. McCollem, BSN RN CWON Janean McCue, BSN RN CWOCN Miranda McDonough, BSN RN CWOCN Randall McGuire, MSN RN CWCN Sarah McManigal, BSN RN CWOCN Bridget Mejza, BSN RN CWOCN Shelia M. Miller, BSN RN CWCN Elaine Monteith, BSN RN CWON Tara Kay Moore, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Vanessa V. Murphy, BSN RN CWOCN Donna F. Murta, RN CWCN Sonia M. Myers, BSN RN CWCN Erika Nemmers, BSN RN CWON Kellie A. Newman, BSN RN CWOCN Petra Niederberger, RN CFCN Catherine S. Novak, BSN RN CWON Merrietta Novak, BSN RN CWON Jeanne M. Nusbaum, BSN RN CWON Eun Kyung Kyung Park, MSN RN CWOCN Doris Hung Ching Pen, RN CWCN Karen Perry, MSN RN CWOCN Darcie Peterson, BSN RN CWOCN Justine Preis, MSN RN CFCN Shannon Roberts, BSN RN COCN CCCN Sharon Rosen, BS RN CWCN Sondra J. Rule, RN CFCN Komal Saggu, BSN RN CWOCN Susan W. Sale, RN CFCN Vasantha Sankaranarayanan, BSN RN CWOCN Barbara Santarelli, BSN RN CFCN Darlene A. Saucier, MSN RN CWCN Linda M. Schnupp, BSN RN CWOCN Debra L. Schroeder, BS RN CWCN Kari Serfass, BSN RN CWOCN Marla Shelton, BSN RN COCN Deborah H. Smith, BSN RN CWCN Tammy J. Stephenson-Litmer, BSN RN COCN Jennifer Storms, RN CFCN Cynthia Marie Stroud, BS RN CFCN Jacquelyn Swan, BSN RN CWCN Kathleen Thimsen, MSN RN COCN Marlo A. Thomas, BSN RN CWOCN Janet Timms, PhD CFCN Cathleen T. Van Houten, BSN RN CWON Mary C. Vercellino, BSN RN CWON Vanessa Watkins, MSN RN CWON Karen A. Weiss, BSN RN CWON Joyce K. Zake, BSN RN CFCN |
Congratulations on Being Board Certified!
Recertified between April and June 2008
Kudos and thanks to you all for maintaining your WOCNCB credentials! We are proud of your achievement and that you have chosen to continue supporting The Gold Standard for Certification!
![]() Sandra J. Aguinaga, MSN RN CWOCN Linda B. Alexander, BSN RN CWOCN Julia L. Andrix, BS RN CWCN Linda L. Arlt-Smith, BSN RN CWOCN Lori A. Arnold, BSN RN CWCN COCN Terri D. Arrigo, BSN RN CWOCN Nancy L. Atwell, RN CWOCN Amy D. Auer Ruff, BSN RN CWOCN Robert B. Babiak, RN CWOCN Nancy V. Bain, BA RN CWON Elizabeth E. Baker, BSN RN CWOCN Barbara J. Ball, RN CWCN Barbara W. Barr, BSN RN CWOCN Barbara A. Bedell, MSN RN CWOCN Janice M. Beitz, MS RN CS CNOR CWOCN Linda I. Bergren, BSN RN CWON Bev J. Biller, BSN RN CWOCN Patricia Ann Bingham, BSN RN CWON CCCN Vicki J. Bingham, BSN RN CWON Merlinda J. Birch, BSN RN CWCN COCN Nancy A. Blakely, BSN RN CWOCN Susan D. Boman, BA RN CWOCN Debra H. Bontrager, RN CWON Kathleen Bourdeau, BSN RN CWOCN Georgenia Bowling, BSN RN CWCN CFCN Vincent C. Boyle, BSN RN CWCN Elizabeth M. Brady, RN CWON CCCN CFCN Sarah R. Brentzel, RN CWON Cynthia F. Brewer, BSN RN CWOCN Melanie Brudwick, BSN RN CWON CCCN Cristy Liza D. Brun, BS RN COCN CCCN Glenda P. Brunette, BSN RN CWON Lorna I. Buntichai, BSN RN CWON Melissa Cardine, MSN RN CWCN COCN Catherine Cassata, RN COCN CCCN Jane M. Charnetski, BSN RN CWON Lisa A. Chenot, BSN RN CWOCN Daphne Chivily, MSN RN CWOCN Deborah L. Christensen, BA RN CWOCN Scott B. Church, BS RN CWCN COCN Victoria L. Copp, BSN RN CWOCN Lorrie A. Cotten-Taylor, RN CWCN Margaret E. Cox, MSN RN CWOCN Robin K. Creel, BSN RN CWOCN Rhee R. Cumbey, BSN RN CWOCN Eileen M. D'Aurelio, RN CWCN CCCN Jill R. Danahy, BSN RN CWOCN Brenda B. Davidson, BSN RN CWOCN Marsha L. Davidson, MSN RN CWOCN Elizabeth A. Day, MSN RN CWOCN Sandra L. DeCarlo, BSN RN CWOCN Donna S. Deyoe, RN CWOCN Linda W. Dickerson, BSN RN CWON Mary M. Dionson, RN CWCN COCN CCCN Kimberly A. Doucette, BSN RN CWOCN Janet Doyle-Munoz, RN CWON Claudia L. Dubose, BSN RN CWOCN Lynn T. Duffy, BA RN CWCN Susan A. Dunzweiler, BA RN CWON Frances Maria Dyckman, BS RN CWOCN Patricia H. Ebbeling, RN CWON Kelly A. Edman, BSN RN CWOCN Denise L. Elston, RN CWOCN Pat Emmons, MSN RN CWOCN Wilson Enfinger, BSN RN CWON Paula Erwin-Toth, MSN RN CWOCN Beatrice A. Etzel, BSN RN CWON Paul Farley, BSN RN CWOCN Paula L. Farrington Hayes, RN CWON Pamela Langton Feazel, RN MSN CWCN COCN CCCN Kathe Finch, BSN RN CWOCN Karen L. Fox, RN CWON Mary Sheila Frank, RN CWOCN Eunice E. Gaskell, BS RN CWCN COCN Deanna B. Geggatt, RN CWOCN Linda S. Gemmell, RN CWCN COCN Donna George, BSN RN CWCN Elizabeth A. George, RN CWOCN CFCN Brenda S. Goodson, BSN RN CWOCN Marilyn K. Graff, MSN RN CWOCN Angela C. Graham, BSN RN CWOCN Francel Graham, BSN RN CWOCN Kathleen B. Graham, BSN RN CWCN Deborah P. Gray, MSN RN CWOCN Mary Anne F. Griffin, BSN RN CWOCN Kelly Grott, BSN RN CWCN COCN Linda Boyd Grow, BS RN CWOCN Marsha J. Haake, BSN RN CWOCN Vici Bailey Hall, BSN RN CWON CCCN CFC Debra D. Hamilton, BSN RN CWOCN Nancy Hammond, MSN RN CWCN Ellen E. Harden, BSN RN CWOCN Maria E. Hardinger, MSN RN CWOCN Melanie H. Hardy, BSN RN CWCN COCN Kathryn Harris, BSN RN CWCN Elizabeth A. Harrison, MSN RN CWOCN Cyrilla J. Haverkamp, BSN RN CWOCN Martha J. Hawkins, RN CWOCN Rita G. Hernandez, BSN RN CWOCN Leatrice K. Hietala, BA RN CWOCN Debra D. Higginbotham, BSN RN CWOCN Patricia W. Hill, BSN RN CWCN Valerie D. Hindman, BSN RN CWOCN Patricia W. Hopkins, RN CWCN Sheila Howes Trammel, MSN RN CWCN CCCN CFCN Kathee E. Hrutky, BSN RN CWCN COCN Gale D. Hull, MSN RN ARNP CWOCN Linda D. Hunt, BSN RN CWCN COCN Suzanne Hurford, BSN RN CWOCN Jo Ellen Hyland, MSN RN CWOCN Joanne M. Imbrogno Holtz, MSN RN CWOCN Cathy Jackson, BSN RN CWCN COCN Donna B. Johnson, BSN RN CWON Joan Johnson, BA RN CWON Marjorie A. Johnson, BSN RN CWCN COCN Rita H. Jones, BSN RN CWON C. Vickie Jordan, CWCN Virginia M. Kanner, BSN RN CWOCN Dana R. Kasper, BSN RN CWOCN Marcia E. Kehl, MSN RN CWOCN Rita F. Keller, BSN RN CWCN Irene A. Kelly, BSN RN CWOCN Janis M. Kelly, BSN RN CWON Rebecca O. Kesler, MSN RN CWCN COCN Lynn M. Kisner, BSN RN CWOCN Jane A. Kling, MSN RN CWOCN Monica Koch, BSN RN CWCN Catherine M. Koerner, BSN RN CWON Mary L. Lakaszawski, MSN RN CWOCN Shelley L. Lancaster, MSN RN CS CWOCN Jane R. Lastrapes, BSN RN CWOCN |
Brenda G. Leake, BS APN CWOCN Avril M. Ledgister, RN CWCN COCN CCCN Staci Lefkowitz, MSN CWCN CCCN COCN Cheryl Leimbach, BSN RN CWCN Naomi B. Lette, BSN RN CWOCN Carol A. Leveille, BSN RN CWON Judith A. Lewis, RN CWON Katherine A. Loftis, BSN RN CWOCN Sally A. Lorenz, BSN RN CFCN Katharine E. Lowe, BSN RN CWOCN Nancy Lucas, BSN RN CWON Adora R. Lucius, BSN RN CWON Jeri A. Lundgren, RN CWCN Laura R. Luttman, RN CWOCN Mary D. Malone, BSN RN CWOCN Patricia Malone, BSN RN CWOCN Michele L. Maloney, MSN RN CWOCN Julia E. Maltos, BA RN CWCN Pamela A. Mann, BSN RN CWOCN Linda Marks, BSN RN CWCN COCN Lauriel E. McCance, BA RN CWON Pamela McFarland, BA RN CWON Linda S. McKenna, BSN RN CWOCN Antoinette F. McTigue, CWOCN Carla R. Mellon, BSN RN CWON Susan K. Mendez Eastman, RN CWCN Cathi D. Mendle, BSN RN CWON Mary H. Meyers, BSN RN CWOCN Ralph A. Micheletti, MSN RN CWON Ana M. Miller, BSN RN CWON Teresa A. Mitts, BSN RN CWON Shelly M. Monnens, MSN RN FNP CWOCN Paul Montenegro, MSN RN CWCN Laura L. Morris, BSN RN CWCN Mary Ann Mullaney, MSN RN CWCN Mary A. Mullins, MSN RN CWOCN Terry L. Mulvaney, BSN RN CWOCN Barbara A. Myers, BSN RN CWOCN Debra P. Nacalaban, BSN RN CWCN Joan M. Oatis, MS RN NP CWON Patricia G. Osborne, BSN RN CWOCN Palwasha Osman, BSN RN CWCN Becky J. Overland, BSN RN CWOCN Sau Man Pang, BS RN CWCN CCCN Carleen D. Parlato, MSN RN COCN CWCN Cindy Parlett, BSN RN CWON Pamela Parrish, BA RN CWOCN Merlene A. Paul, BSN RN CWON Kathleen A. Paulo, MS CRRN CWOCN Lucia A. Pearcy, BSN RN CWOCN Marilyn B. Peszek, BSN RN CWOCN Lynn Peterson, BS RN CWOCN Elizabeth G. Petrey, RN CWOCN Karen I. Pflanzer, BSN RN CWOCN Lois F. Pifer, MSN RN CWOCN Karen U. Plate, BSN RN CWCN Lois G. Porter, BSN RN CWCN Coleen M. Potts, BSN RN CWOCN Ave Maria Preston, MSN RN CURN CWOCN Kelli Preston, RNBSN CWCN COCN CCCN Donna M. Quinn, BSN RN CWOCN Diane L. Reed, MSN RN CWON Terri L. Reed, BSN RN CWCN COCN Joyce A. Reft, MSN RN CWOCN Dorothy K. Reggiardo, BSN RN CWOCN Deborah V. Ritter, BSN RN CWOCN Dana R. Ritzman, CWOCN Terisa P. Robinson, BSN RN CWON Lena Rome, MSN RN CWOCN Elaine W. Rush, CWOCN Kristy J. Sandy, BSN RN CWOCN Lora R. Sapp, MSN RN CCCN Susan A. Schaefer, BSN RN CWOCN Lynda C. Scheibel, BSN RN CWON Cynthia L. Scheiner, BSN RN CWCN COCN Deborah P. Schimmelpfenning, BSN RN CWON Tracy F. Schlocker, BSN RN CWCN Susan M. Scotton, BSN RN CWOCN Mary W. Sears, BA RN CWOCN Linda A. Sedor Gregory, BSN RN CWOCN Angela Lovelace Selman, MSN RN CWOCN Patricia J. Semroska, BSN RN CWCN Robin L. Shue, BSN RN CWON Tracey Siegel, MS RN CWOCN Lynda R. Simmons, BSN RN CWOCN Marie E. Sims, RN CWCN Renee Small, MSN RN CWOCN Carol L. Smith, MSN RN CWON Deborah B. Smith, BS RN CWOCN Geraldine M. Smith, MSN RN CWOCN Julia K. Smith, BSN RN CWOCN Marie O. Sosebee, BSN RN CWOCN Janice M. Stanfield, MBA RN CWOCN Denise Carlson Starks, BSN RN CWOCN Kathleen Steele, RN CWOCN Susan E. Steele, PhD RN CWOCN Judith Stillman, RN CWCN Susan Stirland, BSN RN CWOCN Melissa C. Stolley, BSN RN CWOCN Nancy Strub, BSN RN CWCN Ms. Teresa K. Sturnfield, MSN RN CWOCN CFCN Christine M. Sullivan, BSN RN CWCN Retta Sutterfield, MSN RN CWOCN Danielle M. Szarek, BSN RN CWOCN Judy K. Szor, MSN MEd RN CWON Evelyn M. Taglorin, MN RN CWOCN Zafe S. Talaga, BSN RN CWCN COCN Lori P. Talutto, BSN RN CWOCN Catherine M. Tarpy, MSN RN CWCN Thomas E. Tarrants, BSN RN CWOCN Paula L. Tashjian, RN CWOCN Jan M. Tessling, MSN RN CWCN Bonnie L. Thomas, RNBSN CWCN COCN CCCN Donna S. Thomas, BSN RN CWOCN Theresa M. Thomas, BA RN CWOCN Sylvia Jean Tillawi, BS RN CWOCN Sharon A. Tilley, MSN RN CWON Janet Lynn Tinker, BSN RN CWOCN Carmel L. Toto, MS RN CWCN COCNCCCN Cecilia A. Troia, BSN RN CWCN Jean M. Turner, BA RN CWON Jean C. Tuthill, MS RN CWOCN Shari L. Veihman, BSN RN CWCN Alda A. Visnauskas, BSN RN CWOCN Elaine Walker, BS RN CWOCN Marie B. Ward, MSN RN CWOCN Opal G. Watson, MSN RN CWOCN Arlene P. Weaver, RN CWCN Connie S. Webb, RN CWCN Carey C. Webster, MSN RN CWON Mark J. Welvaert, BSN RN CWON Joan A. Werner, BA RN CWCN COCN Marilyn E. Whitehead, MS RN CWOCN Sandra Wilke, BS RN CWOCN Gwendolyn D. Williams, BS RN CWON Vicki L. Williamson, BSN RN CWON CCCN Michael Willis, RN CWCN CCCN Claire A. Wilson, BSN RN CWCN Ruth E. Wilson, MS RNCN CWCN COCN Diane L. Wolfe, BSN RN CWOCN Susan J. Wren, BSN RN CWON Karen Ann Yohn Williams, RN CWON Katherine M. Zimnicki, MSN RN CWOCN Laura J. Zoroya, BSN RN CWOCN |