Spotlight on You
2009 WOCNCB Election Results
Congratulations to our newest board members!

Laurie Ellefson
Mt. Sterling, WI

Gail Forthoffer
Methuen, MA

Mary Gloeckner
Moline, IL
Laurie, Gail and Mary were selected by a vote of their peers to be members of the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Certification Board. Their term of office is from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2013. Please join us in welcoming them to the WOCNCB board of directors.
The future of the WOCNCB is always exciting, and these new members will join the other dedicated leaders on the board to help bring WOCNCB certification to new heights. We know that Laurie, Gail and Mary will make significant contributions to the direction and goals of the WOCNCB that will maintain the credibility, validity and visibility of the WOCNCB, The Gold Standard for Certificationsm.
The Measure of a Man: Public Board Member ends two consecutive service terms

Frank Perdue and his wife, Kathy.
Frank has represented the interests of the healthcare consumer as the Public Member of the WOCNCB Board of Directors
If, as 18th-century poet and biographer Samuel Johnson said, the true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good, J. Frank Perdue must be mighty tall.
Mr. Perdue, or Frank, as he prefers to be called, will step down this fall from four years of service on the WOCNCB Board of Directors. As the public member of the board, Frank has represented the interests of the healthcare consumer. He became involved in the board at the invitation of WOCNCB immediate past President Kathy Wright, MS, BC, RN, APRN, CWOCN, who was his certified ostomy nurse at one time. Frank remembers being impressed with the knowledge Kathy brought and how it changed his life.
Frank was only 12 years old when he received his ostomy due to ulcerative colitis 48 years ago. As he describes it, "I was whacked and hacked at a hospital 100 miles from home, and they sent me home with two rubber pouches - short and long for day and night. I'd have to change it daily, using glue, and take the glue off with ether. There was no support, I was only 12. It was kind of tough. But I got through it."
Indeed he did. At the age of 18 Frank got married and soon after was in the hospital for a repair of a herniated ostomy. There he met Becky Bell, an ET nurse who told him about newer ostomy technology including drainable pouches that did not require daily removal. Later he met Kathy Wright. "Both were extremely helpful. They gave me more mobility and I was able to travel without having to haul all the equipment around."
Kathy met Frank during her earliest days of working with ostomy clients and remembers him as a role model ostomy visitor. She recalls, "Frank was a wonderful inspiration to those struggling with this significant change in body image. When asked if he would be interested in being considered for the WOCNCB Public Member position, Frank immediately responded that is his style! Always willing to serve, to give back, and to do whatever he can to make things better for others!"
Regarding this volunteer work, Frank explains "I'd call on people who just had ostomy surgery. They are amazed when I walk in. They've just been through surgery and are scared and ask me why I was there. When I say 'Because I have an ostomy and have had for 48 years', they're relieved when they see that life goes on."
Frank has never let his ostomy slow him down. He has been employed in banking for over 40 years, and he and his family have been involved in golfing, camping, gardening, and auto racing on a half-mile dirt track. These days, Frank works on the cars and his sons drive. "I provide the financing," he adds, "hence the message on the car - Breakin' the Bank!"

As Frank reflects about his service on the board from a patient's point of view, he is aware that he was making sure what he saw being done by the board was for the benefit of the patient. He is also impressed by the intelligence and caring of the WOCNCB-certified wound, ostomy and continence nurses with whom he served. "It's good to be involved, to know there is a gold standard, and this is comforting as a public member of the board and as a patient." He also encourages others to consider serving as a public member. "Do it! It's eye opening, even though I did not think I could contribute. I think I did."
The board knows he did, and many members have mentioned the following story, as told by Kathy Wright. "Frank's wedding anniversary often coincided with the WOCN Society conference, but he did not allow that to stand in the way of keeping his commitment to the board. Instead, he brought his lovely wife along with him and shared a little bit of our world, the world he has graciously stepped into for two terms, with his sweet bride!"
THANKS, Frank for your many service roles. You'll be missed by each of us.
Marketing yourself and the WOCNCB credentials

Marketing Committee Chair
As I write this article, the debate on healthcare and how to best proceed continues in Congress. While I do not have the solution, I have an opinion (imagine that — a nurse with an opinion). Unfortunately — or fortunately, most of us will not have the opportunity to impact healthcare on such a scale. There is one opinion that I believe you, as nurses, will find value in: Marketing Yourself!
As a WOCNCB-certified wound, ostomy, continence or foot care nurse, you have a lot to be proud of. You have the ability to impact the lives of every person you come in contact with. For example:
- Your patients — achieve a quality of life they would not have without your help
- Your peers — benefit from your in-depth knowledge to ensure patient care at a higher level and with better outcomes
- Your physician partners — rely on your expertise to manage patients with complications
- Your family and others — have a resource to turn to for the best care possible with the fastest and least painful recovery
As a credentialing body of healthcare providers, the WOCNCB does not want any confusion regarding our credentials and qualifications. Ultimately, the competition could impact your job security and the confidence of your customers across the continuum of care. The answer rests in the ability of each of us to market ourselves and our credentials as The Gold Standard for Certificationsm.
Another challenge is our aging population, both within our certificant ranks and the general population. Approximately 45% of the current CWOCN certificants are over the age of 50, and there is a significant onslaught of baby boomers, (456 grow a year older every hour of every day). This challenge impacts us all and we must begin to train our replacements, share the pride and transfer the knowledge that sets us apart.
Every WOCNCB-certified nurse plays a vital role in the healthcare community and performs a job like none other in the community. Each of us needs to spread the word about the skills we utilize every day and the quality of certification by the WOCNCB. We'll all reap the benefits in personal satisfaction, recognition and opportunities for career advancement.
To help increase the impact of our organization and to reach additional younger members of the nursing community, our marketing committee is pursuing additional avenues to market your credentials. A few of these avenues are:
- Web-based support and social networking to make communication more flexible and to reach other generations of nurses
- Direct mail, e-mail and personal contact with healthcare administrators, regulators, and payers
- Polling you and other practitioners in our specialties to learn how the WOCNCB can be more helpful
These activities are just a sample of what we're working on now. We encourage you share your ideas by contacting a WOCNCB board member, committee member or the WOCNCB office at (888) 496-2622 or Don't be afraid to tell us what you think — the only bad idea is the one you don't share!
Over the years, I have seen the prestige, recognition, and most of all, felt the personal satisfaction of being a CWOCN. The ability to impact and improve quality of life as a CWOCN continues to drive me to pursue my own recertification. It is my obligation to show those trusted to my care that I represent the best in wound care with certification from The Gold Standard for Certification!
I look forward to continuing to serve as the Marketing Committee Chair and hearing more from you, our customers.
Best Regards,
Bill Brandon, BSN, RN, CWOCN
Marketing the WOC Specialty
A must-read article in May/June The Remington Report tells why the WOC specially is critically important today. To read and share this timely article by WOCN Society President-Elect Dr. Phyllis Bonham, PhD, RN, MSN, CWOCN, go to and search for Bonham. You must be a Remington Report subscriber for free access to the article online.
The Value of Board Certification: Standing Shoulder to Shoulder in Wound Care

Carol L. Anderson RN, MSN, CWCN, is the owner and president of Advanced Therapy Surfaces, Inc., a JCAHO-accredited home medical equipment company in Maplewood, Minnesota. Carol sought her Certified Wound Care Nurse (CWCN®) credential to help her business become the "go-to" resource for plastic surgeons, vascular surgeons and wound centers in her state. "We did not want to be viewed as another catalog sales company but as clinicians in wound care and consulting. I wanted to be intellectually involved in wound care," she explains.
Intellectually involved is just an understatement. Carol worked to complete her MSN and CWCN at the same time. "I knew some before," she recalls. "I was a novice in the WOC world, and the knowledge and critical thinking required to evaluate if healing has happened raised the bar."
In her work, Carol interfaces and consults daily with WOCNCB–certified nurses in home care, long term care, clinics, wound centers and hospitals. "My new knowledge helped as an entrepreneur and as a professional. When speaking to them in Minnesota or nationally, it makes a strong bond — as an ally and resource."
It is that bond that is the unexpected value that Carol received from WOCNCB certification. "It doesn't matter where they are located," she explains. "It's a bond that bridges all practice. I got the higher level of intelligence and practice. Now I can stand shoulder to shoulder with them in wound care. We should all get stripes for the quality work we do."
Education and Wound Care
One important part of Carol's business is educating healthcare professionals, patients and their families to properly use, maintain and troubleshoot the equipment they purchase or rent.
Education sessions for professionals include key clinical topics such as prevention, staging, need, and desired outcome. "We start by first quantifying our knowledge base before we begin training other professionals or offer CEUs in pressure management. Then we look at who is in the audience so we know where to start." Sessions are committed to a clinical perspective on equipment, with evidence-based resources drawn from the WOCN Society Web site and NPUAP standards. "That's another benefit of certification," Carol adds with enthusiasm. "I have a larger breadth of exposure in the WOC world and also resources at my fingertips."When Carol looks back at the certification process, she did not imagine certification would make such a difference in her life. "I did not know I'd get the added pearl," she says. "Today, I just can't imagine anyone getting credentialed and not being impacted - personally and professionally."
Get Involved : Initiative on the Future of Nursing in America
If you are thinking about your future, you might be happy to know that the Institute of Medicine is, too. Earlier this year the Institute of Medicine, with funding from the non-profit Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, began a project to identify how nurses can play a greater role in the challenges the United States' healthcare system faces today. You might be even happier to learn that you are invited to attend the meetings in person or via Webcast and to submit your own input about this important topic.
The Initiative on the Future of Nursing in America is conducted by a committee of 16 healthcare leaders. The chair is Donna E. Shalala, PhD, former secretary of Health and Human Services under President Clinton. The vice chair is someone who understands the value of nurses and the challenges you face. She is Linda Burnes Bolton, DrPH, RN, FAAN, vice president for nursing, chief nursing officer and director of nursing research at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.
The committee is conducting three forums to gather data for a final report on recommendations scheduled to be released in fall 2010. Attendance is open to the public with pre-registration, and input from nurses and other stakeholders is welcome. The first forum was held in Washington, D.C. on September 14, 2009. Future forums are scheduled for October 19, 2009 in Los Angeles, December 3, 2009 in Philadelphia, PA, and February 22, 2010 in Houston, TX.
Forum registration information, instructions for submitting written testimony, video podcasts, listserve registration and other information about the initiative are available at
Marketing Yourself and Your WOCNCB Certification
The WOCNCB continues to address marketplace challenges by producing documents that clearly show key differences in nursing credentials.
These informational documents are ready to download as PDFs. Just click on the photos. You can also contact the WOCNCB office at to request multiple print copies.
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Comparison chart of wound education programs | List of WOCN Society accredited education programs | WOCN Society/WOCNCB position statement entry level WOC education |
The following brochures are available for you to market yourself and your credentials to your employers and patients. Each WOCNCB certified nurse can receive 25 samples at no charge. Additional copies can be purchased from the WOCNCB office. Quantify discounts are available.
Click here for a PDF of the order form.
Are your nurses board certified |
You deserve quality care |
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Congratulations to each newly certified and recertified nurse!
These nurses were newly certified or recertified during the period of October 2008 to March 2009
Newly Certified
Congratulations to all of you for earning your WOCNCB credentials, The Gold Standard for Certification! You join more than 5800 WOCNCB-certified wound, ostomy, continence and foot care nurses.
Sherrie Adkerson, BSN RN CFCN Jasmatie Alberga, BSN RN CWOCN Genevieve F. Allen, BSN RN CWOCN Karen Burke Alterescu, MSN RN COCN Victor Alterescu, BSN RN CWOCN Carol L. Anderson, MSN RN CWCN Adrienne Andrews, MSN RN CWOCN Heatherlore D. Arneson, BSN RN CWCN Jodie K. Atkinson, BSN RN CWCN Jill Bannister, BSN RN CWCN Beth Ann Beck, BSN RN CWOCN Claudia Benton, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Carrie Lee W. Bergman, BSN RN CWCN Kelli Bergstrom, BSN RN CWOCN Veronie Berioso, BSN RN CWCN Martha Berry, BSN RN CWOCN Nicole Betts, BSN RN CWCN Edna Bigio, BS RN CWCN Lisa Bingham, BSN RN CFCN Karri Blackwell, BA RN COCN CCCN Constance Hall Bloch, BS RN CWCN Judy Block, BSN RN CWOCN Barbara Bock, MSN RN CFCN Susan A. Boucher, BSN RN CWON Elizabeth Bowen, BSN RN CWCN Edward H. Bowling, BSN RN CWCN Mary Frances Boyle, BSN RN CWOCN Sallye Bradley, BS RN CWON Gregory John Bridges, RN CWCN Priscilla Brinker, BSN RN CWON Lisa Brooking, BSN RN CWOCN Peggie L. Brooks, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Ruth A. Brown, BSN RN CWCN Janet Bruneau, RN CWCN Lena Mae Bruns, BSN RN CWCN Doris L. Butler, BA RN CWOCN Katrina Butler, BSN RN CWOCN Danielle Byrd, BSN RN CFCN CWOCN Colette M. Campbell, BSN RN CWCN James Carnegie, BSN RN CCCN Lea Carpenter, BSN RN CWCN Eileen T. Carter, MS RN CWON CRRN Maria Socorro A. Casas, BSN RN CWCN Elizabeth Schaaf Chase, MSN RN CWOCN Diane C. Cho, BSN RN CWOCN Deborah Christensen, BSN RN CWOCN Naomi Christensen, BA RN CFCN Hector P. Cintron, MSN RN CWCN Virginia Clarcq, BSN RN CWOCN Christina Clark, BSN RN CWCN Carolyn W. Collins, RN CFCN Clay E. Collins, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Janice L. Collins, BSN RN CWCN Kim Colon-Cavallito, BSN RN CWCN Patricia Conway, MSN RN CWON Rose Marie Coonley, BSN RN CWOCN Ashley Chesin Coppolino, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Mary A. Corral, BSN RN CWCN Sheila Cougras, BSN RN CWCN Jennifer Craddock, BSN RN CWOCN Michele L. Craig, BSN RN COCN Lisa Dawn Crall, BSN RN CWOCN Jacqueline R. Cronau, BSN RN CWOCN Nancy D'india, BSN RN CWCN Debra Ann Davis, BSN RN CWCN Teresa Davis, MSN RN CWCN Sally Deeney, BSN RN CWOCN Barbara Delmore, PhD RN CWCN Elenita U. Demata, BSN RN CWON Abby Denby, BSN RN CWON Kym Kay Derocker, BSN RN CWON Raymond D. Dolan, BSN RN CWCN Laura Dooley, BA RN CWOCN Sherrilyn Dotson, BSN RN CWON Mr. Jeffrey Doucette, BSN RN CWCN Mary Anne Douglas, BSN RN CWOCN Roberta A. Duda, MSN RN CFCN Mary Kate Dula, BSN RN CWCN Cheryl Duncan-Coleman, BSN RN CWCN Debra Dunn, RN CWON Tracy L. Eberhard, BSN RN CWON Diane K. Eccles, BSN RN CWCN Sherrie Edwards, BSN RN COCN CCCN Michelle Eldering, BS RN CWOCN Annette E.d. Etnyre, MSN RN CFCN Fran Ewell, BSN RN CWON Sharon Ezell, BSN RN CWCN Ms. Sandy Wood Faiella, BSN RN CWOCN Beth Armstrong Fangman, MSN RN CWOCN Sheryl Farmer, RN CFCN Debra Farnsworth, BSN RN CWCN Elizabeth Feddersen, BSN RN CFCN Darlene Fenner, BSN RN CWOCN Karen Fick, BSN RN CWON Kathleen Files, BSN RN CWON Cynthia Fleck, RN CFCN Barbara R. Folmar, BSN RN CWCN CCCN Paulette D. Fowler, BSN RN CWCN Elaine Fox, BSN RN CWOCN Robert Freed, BSN RN CWOCN Karol Lynne Friend, BA RN COCN Antoinette Garbarek, BSN RN CWON Elizabeth A. Gatchel, BSN RN CWOCN Roger P. George, BSN RN CWON Jacqueline Giddens, MSN RN CWCN CCCN Leah Gillette, BSN RN CWOCN Elizabeth R. Grahn, MSN RN CWOCN Deborah L. Gray, MSN RN CWCN Edward Carl Green, BSN RN CWOCN Janelle Leblanc Green, BS RN CWCN Carol E. Griffith, RN CWCN Henry Samuel Gullotte, II, BSN RN CWCN Lynette Hammer, RN CFCN Sue Hantke, BSN RN CWON Pearl R. Harmany, BSN RN CWCN Celeste Harris, BSN RN CWCN Michell Harris, BSN RN CWOCN Karen Hartjes, BSN RN CWOCN Diane Headden, RN CFCN Debby M. Hecox, MSN RN CWCN Heidi Heikes, BS RN CWCN Ms. Andrea Henriques, BSN RN CCCN Kendall A. Henry, BSN RN CWCN Imelda S. Hildebrecht, RN CWCN Andrea Hodosy, BS RN CWOCN Mary Hohenwarter, BSN RN CWCN Gina Holcomb, BA RN CWCN Karen S. Houchins, BSN RN CWCN Cynthia Hovnanian, BSN RN CWOCN Mariama Hubbard, MSN RN CWOCN Sue Ellen Hull, MSN RN CWOCN Ms. Mardonna Hulm, RN CWOCN Jacqueline Joyce Hymers, RN CFCN Virginia A. Isenhour, BSN RN CWCN Miriam G. Jensen, BSN RN COCN Maki Jerden, MSN RN CWON Nicole Johanson, MSN RN CFCN Jocelyn M. Johnson, BSN RN CWCN Dorothy Jones, BSN RN CWCN Rosenda L. Jones, BSN RN CWCN Tara S. Kamassai, MSN RN CWCN Janet K. Kaminsky, MSN RN CWOCN Susan K. Kelleher, BA RN CWCN Judith K. Kelley, BSN RN COCN Frank Kelly, BA RN CWOCN Renae Michelle Kent, MSN RN CFCN Suzanne Keuseman, BSN RN CWOCN Nicole Kindel, BSN RN CWON Christine Nabeta Kisajja, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Angela R. Kohli, BSN RN CWCN Linda Jean Konczyk, BSN RN CWCN Claudia Jean Kones, BSN RN CWCN Ms. Courtney A. Kozlecki, BSN RN CCCN Aaron C. Kraus, BSN RN CFCN Diane Kukulka, BSN RN CWCN Sara Lambert, BSN RN CWCN |
Sandra J. Lane, BSN RN COCN Stephanie Lang, BSN RN CWOCN Katherine F. Lange, BSN RN CWON Karen Lappas, MSN RN CWOCN Suzanne Leffler, BSN RN CWOCN Donna M. Lehman, BSN RN CWCN CFCN Peggy Lg Lewis, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Debbie A. Lincoln, BSN RN CWON Leslie Chenevert Linder, MSN RN CFCN Ellen L. Lingelbach, BS RN CFCN Kathlene Loftus, BSN RN CWOCN Jennifer Long, MSN RN CWCN Betty C. Louderman, BSN RN CWCN Maria Lourdes P. Madarang, BSN RN CWOCN Denise L. Mah, BSN RN CWOCN Catherine A. Mahoney, BSN RN CWOCN Denise Manley, BSN RN COCN Karla A. Manzel, BSN RN CWCN Susan B. Martinez, BS RN COCN Carol L. Mathews, BSN RN CWOCN Ann McChesney-Young, BSN RN CWCN Patricia S. McCray, MSN RN CWOCN Barbara McCue, BSN RN CWCN Ms. Ofelia McCulloch, BSN RN COCN Patricia McKenzie, BSN RN CWON Vladimir Medakovic, BSN RN CWOCN Robin L. Medrano, BS RN CWCN Martina Mendoza, BSN RN COCN CCCN Candace Rochelle Millek, RN CWOCN Cynthia Miller, BSN RN CWOCN Suzanne T. Miller, RN BSN CWCN Susan Minter, MSN RN CWCN Gregory M. Mittal, BSN RN CWOCN Christine M. Moffett, RN CWON Margarone Momplaisir, BSN RN CWON Marianne Moore, BSN RN CFCN Nancy Moore, MSN RN CWON Patricia N. Moore, BSN RN CWCN Linda Morawek, BSN RN CWCN Diane Morris, MSN RN CWCN Lori Morrow, BSN RN CWOCN Glicerio M. Moura, BSN RN CWCN Debra S. Movido, BSN RN CWOCN Kara D. Mrnak, BSN RN CWOCN Susan Mueller, BSN RN CWOCN Carol Murphy, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Mary M. Murphy, BSN RN CWOCN Kristi Nakahara, BSN RN CWOCN Cynthia D. Nanavaty, BS RN CWOCN Angela Natale-Ryan, BS RN CWON Judy Nelson, BS RN CWCN Catherine Noonan, MSN RN CWON Josephine O'Malley, BSN RN CWCN Tina M. O'Mara, BSN RN CWCN CCCN Linda Octavien, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Debbie Ohlrich, MSN RN CWCN Carla R. Parlova, BSN RN CWCN Susan J. Patterson, BSN RN CWCN Michelle R. Perkins, BS RN CWON Aundra Peters, BSN RN CFCN Birgit Petersen, BSN RN CWCN Cindy Petrie, BA RN CWOCN Virginia Marie Pfeifer, BS RN CWOCN Katherine W. Phillips, MSN RN CWON Patrice Pilipovich, RN CFCN Sue Piller, MSN RN CFCN Suzanne T. Pisanelli, BSN RN CWOCN Tina Marie Pleasants, BSN RN CWOCN Susan Poklembo, BSN RN CWCN Ashley Polster, MSN RN CWOCN Nicole Porter, BSN RN CWCN Diane Marie Posthumus, BSN RN COCN Amelia E. Quiz, RN CWCN Ms. Margaret M. Radford, BSN RN CFCN Michele Ramsey, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Noreen Reaney, BSN RN CWCN Ana M. Restrepo, BSN RN CWCN Chevallia Richardson, BSN RN CWCN CCCN Patricia M. Rishell, RN CWCN Julie Ann Rivera, MSN RN CWCN Lura Kay Robison, BSN RN CWCN CCCN Melissa Marie Roman, BS RN CWCN Mariam E. Rubio, BSN RN CWCN Laura Russell, BSN RN CWCN CCCN Andrea Russo, BSN RN CWCN Diane J. Safford, BSN RN CWOCN Maluisa F. Santiano, BSN RN CWCN Jennifer Ann Saunders, BS RN CWCN Jodi Marie Schmidt, BSN RN CWOCN Julie Schmiesing, BS RN CWOCN Gail J. Schnieder, RN CWOCN Erica Schroeder, BS RN CWOCN Mindy Christine Schuller, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Doria Sforza, BA RN CWOCN Vicky K. Sheffield Nabors, BSN RN CWOCN Alexis Sherman, BSN RN COCN CCCN Clara Lynn Shrieves, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Alice Shu, RN CWCN Jean Louise Simaz, BSN RN CWCN Jessica Simmons, BSN RN CWCN Karen E. Simmons, MSN RN CWOCN Laurel Simons, BSN RN CWON Michelle Skaggs, BSN RN CWOCN Teresa Skipper, BSN RN CWOCN Wendy Skurka, BSN RN CWOCN Adrienne L. Smith, BSN RN CWOCN Eileen Margaret Smith, MSN RN CWOCN Carolyn Spahn, BSN RN CFCN Rachelle A. Spurlin, BSN RN CWOCN Susan R. Stafford, RN BSN CWOCN CFCN Yvonne Stallard, BSN RN CWON Shawna Stango, BSN RN CWOCN Sandra Lynn Stojanovic, BSN RN CWCN Elizabeth Stuckey, MSN RN CFCN Cynthia S. Stuller, BSN RN CWOCN Monica Stutzman, BSN RN CFCN Kathleen S. Suker, RN CFCN Diana T. Sumner, RN CWOCN Teresa M. Swayne, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Lisa Switter, BS RN CWON Britney Swor, BSN RN CWON Lynn B. Szegi, RN CFCN Carl Tabor, BSN RN CWCN Mary M. Taylor, MSN RN CFCN Jeanne Terefenko, BSN RN CWOCN Anne Marie Thompson, BSN RN CWOCN Maureen K. Thompson, BSN RN CWOCN Rebecca Marie Tobolski, BSN RN CWOCN Lynne Tomlinson, MSN RN CWOCN Brenda Tompkins, BS RN CWON Nicole Toms, BSN RN CWON Jolene S. Tucker, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Judith H. Turner, MSN RN CWOCN Janice Turzi, BSN RN CWCN Sheryal Valencic, RN CFCN Edwin Vartanian, RN CWON Mary R. Vidrine, BSN RN CWOCN Renee Visser, BSN RN CCCN Patricia B. Volkert, BSN RN CWOCN Tami Jayne Walker, BSN RN CWOCN Wanita A. Walker, MSN RN CFCN Jacqueline C. Wallace, BSN RN CWON Dolores Warg, BSN RN CWCN Heather Waters, BS RN CWOCN Jamie Sue Waugh, BSN RN CWON Roxie Lynn Wefel, BA RN CWOCN William B. Weiss, BA RN CWCN Julie Dawn Westcott, BSN RN CWON Karen Whalen, MSN RN CWOCN Ann Marie Whaley, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN David G. Williams, BSN RN CFCN Lydia A. Williams, BSN RN CWOCN Bonita Ann Wilson, MSN RN CWCN Jennifer Wolf, MSN RN CWON Elizabeth A. Wolfinger, MSN RN CWCN Perla R. Zarate-Abbott, MSN RN CFCN |
Kudos and thanks to you all for maintaining your WOCNCB credentials! We are proud of your achievement and that you have chosen to continue supporting The Gold Standard for Certification!
Karen J. Aal, MSN RN CWON Diane A. Abbott, BSN RN CWON Mary J. Abbott, RN CWCN Ms. Judith E. Abell, BSN RN CWON Anita R. Adams, RN CWCN Melanie L. Adkins, BSN RN CWOCN Amelia Agostinelli, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Shirley A. Alltop, BSN RN CWOCN Nancy A. Amick, MSN RN CWOCN Ricardo Araniego, BSN RN CWON Sue Arford, BSN RN CWON Anita Buford Arline, BSNRN CWCN COCN CCCN Deborah Armstrong, BSN RN CWCN COCN Mary J. Arndt, MS RN CWOCN Lynda J. Arnold, MSN RN CWCN Jimmie Lou Lou Ault, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Karen C. Axelrod, RN CWCN COCN CCCN Mona M. Baharestani, PhD CWON CNS NP Wilma A. Bailey, BSN RN CWCN Isabel Bales, BSN RN CWON CCCN Anne F. Barnard, BSN RN CWOCN Emilee Bartolo, BSN RN CWOCN Dawn R. Beals, MSN RN CWOCN CFCN Ms. Jennifer L. Berg, BSN RN CWOCN Monica A. Beshara, MSN RN CWOCN Cindy Bigler, MSN RN CWCN COCN Sheila A. Bird, BSN RN CWOCN Ellen M. Blackburn, BSN RN CWCN Karen M. Blum, MS RN CWOCN Gwen Thomas Bolton, RN CWON Michele Borgman, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Becky J. Bouler, RN CWON Melanie K. Bowe, BSN RN CWOCN Mary E. Bowling, RN CWON Kathy M. Boyle, BSN RN CCCN COCN Elizabeth M. Brady, RN CWON CCCN CFCN Sharon M. Brady, BSN RN CWOCN Carol Bream, BSN RN CWOCN Cynthia K. Bridgman, BS RN CWOCN Mary Ann Brooks, MSN RN CWOCN Craig L. Broussard, PHd RN CNS CWCN Cathi A. Brown, BA RN CWOCN Sandi M. Brunello, MSN RN FNP-C CWOCN Ms. Louise S. Bruner, BSN RN CWCN COCN Cynthia H. Buck, BSN RN CWCN Lisa Marie Burke, MSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Nancy M. Burns, BSN RN CWOCN Michael Ray Byars, RN BSN CWCN COCN CCCN Laurie Callan, MSN RN CWOCN Erin Konneker Caputo, BSN RN CWON Nancy G. Carr, BSN RN CWOCN Michaella R. Cavarlez-Sarinas, RN CWCN COCN Maria F. Chavez, MSN RN CWCN Marsha Jean Chipman, MSN RN CWCN Donna M. Choma, MSN RN CWON Evie Christensen, BSN RN CWCN CCCN Karan S. Christman, BSN RN CWON Mary B. Christofel, RN CWCN Ms. Eileen V. Clancy, RN CWCN Christine M. Clauser, BSN RN CWON Ms. Emily Cohen, BSN RN CWOCN Darlene R. Colt, BSN RN CWCN CFCN Susan M. Combs, RN CWON Margaret A. Concini, RN CWOCN Katherine Constable, MSN RN CWON Anne Murray Corliss, BSN RN CWOCN Francisca Corteza, BSN RN CWCN Pamela J. Cox, RN CWON Anita Coymen, MSN RN CWOCN Kay S. Cramer, BSN RN CWON M Suzanne Creehan, BSN RN CWON Nancy J. Crisler, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN David R. Crumbley, MSN RN CWCN Rachel H. Curbow, BSN RN CWCN Carolyn S. D'Avis, MSN RN CWOCN Mary M. Dalton, MSN RN CWOCN Faye D. Dames, MSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Pamela G. Damron, MSN RN CWON Avrille Davis, MSN RN CWCN CFCN Laura A. Davis, BSN RN CWCN COCN Linda Kelley Davis, RN COCN Monica M. Davis, MSN RN NP CWOCN Diane M. Davis-Zeek, MSN RN CWOCN Elizabeth A. Davison, BS RN CWCN COCN Karen D. Debruijn, BS RN CWOCN CFCN Helena Ann DeMoss, BS RN CNS CWOCN Cheryl S. Dempsey, BSN RN CWOCN Shelley A. Denison, MSN RN CWOCN Violene C. Desplantes, MSN RN CWOCN Yvonne M. Diamond, BSN RN CWOCN Erika Dickerson, BSN RN CWON CCCN Elaine Dillon, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Patricia L. Dittes, BS MPH RN CWON Marilu Dixon, MSN RN CWOCN Jolynne Dixson, BSN RN CWON Patricia A. Donald, BSN RN COCN CCCN Bonnie H. Doucet, MSN RN CWCN Linda R. Droste, MSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Donie Elizabeth Duke, BSN RN CWON Nancy L. Dupuy, BSN RN CWON Diane Duran, MS RN CWOCN Ms. Catherine P. Dzus, BSN RN CWOCN Jeannie M. Ebnet, BSN RNC CWOCN Anita K. Edwards, MS RN CWOCN Zinda Eggerud, BA,RN CWCN COCN CCCN Kenda K. Ekdahl, BSN RN CWCN COCN Gudrun Eriksson, BSN RN CWOCN Colleen G. Escamilla, MSN RN CWCN Vickie Essary, BS RN CWCN Kathy A. Estling, BSN RN CWON Catherine B. Fahey, BSN RN CWON Teresa K. Farris, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Pamela Langton Feazel, RN MSN CWCN COCN CCCN Marion Delores Ferguson, BSN RN CWCN COCN Ms. Cynthia Ferrell, BSN RN CWCN COCN Deborah E. Ferretti, MSN RN CWOCN Olivia R. Flores, BSN RN CWON Alice L. Floyd, MSN ARNP CWCN Joan M. Flynn, RN CWOCN Gail A. Forthoffer, MSN RN CWOCN Stacey A. Fortin, BSN RN CWOCN Karen M. Foster, BSN RN CWCN COCN Linda Foster, BSN RN CWCN Diana L. Fowler, BSN RN CWOCN Lori E. Fuhrer, MSN RN CWON CFCN Thelma R. Fuhs, BSN RN CWCN Rebecca S. Garcia, MSN RN CWOCN Catherine Garvin, RN CWCN Eunice E. Gaskell, BS RN CWCN COCN Sarah C. Gaylord, RN CWOCN Marilyn F. Germansky, BSN RN CWOCN Ms. Frances H. Geschimsky, BSN RN CWOCN Patricia M. Gill, MSN RN CWON Debra J. Glenn, RN CWCN Ann Glosson, RN CWOCN Kathleen Sadie Glover, MS RN CWOCN Donna M. Golden, MSN RN CWOCN Amy A. Golyshko, MSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Donna J. Goodling, BSN RN CWON Barbara C. Gorman, RN CWCN Donna L. Goudberg Lockhart, RN PHN LNC CWON Karen L. Gray-Leach, BSN RN CWON Terrie M. Greer, BSN RN CWON Gayle E. Greier, BSN RN CWCN Misty D. Griffith, BSN RN CWON Kathleen H. Grogan, BSN RN CWOCN Laurie A. Grothman, BSN RN CWON Rebecca S. Gryseels, MSN RN CWCN Kay E. Gundy, BA RN CWOCN Karen N. Guritz, MSN RN CWOCN Rebecca S. Gute, BSN RN CWOCN Heidi Hackbarth, BS RN CWCN COCN Gail Haddad-Swenson, BS RN CWCN COCN CCCN Mary B. Haddow, RN-BC CWCN Maryanne Hagar, MSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Cynthia Anne Haines, MSN RN CWCN COCN Vici Bailey Hall, BSN RN CWON CCCN CFCN Annette Haller, BSN RN CWON CCCN Halcyon C. Hamel, BSN RN CWOCN Martha S. Hammond, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Janeice H. Hampton, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Deborah J. Hanson, BSN RN CWCN COCN Wilma Z. Harden, BSN RN CWCN COCN Joan B. Hardin, MSN RN CWON Melanie H. Hardy, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Amy Harrell, BSN RN CWON Linda Faye Harris, BSN RN CWOCN Estrella Cometa Harrison, BSN RN CWON CCCN Helen H. Harrison, RN CWCN Jim B. Harrison, RN CWCN Crystal R. Hatzenbihler, BSN RN CWCN Loren C. Hayes, MS RN CWCN-AP Sandra L. Hazelwood, BSN RN CWOCN Shirleen Helgeson, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Elizabeth M. Hendrix, BSN RN CWOCN Laura Herbe, BSN RN CWOCN Ms. Bonnie Hermesman, MSN RN CWOCN Rena Hernandez, BSN RN CWON Shelagh M. Hickie, BSN RN CWOCN Jean T. Hicks, BA RN CWON Eileen M. Highsmith, BSN RN CWOCN CCCN Celeste H. Hilburn, BS RN CWCN Rita Hillis, RN CDE CWCN COCN Joyce B. Hinze, BSN RN CWCN Lisa A. Hobbs, RN CWOCN CFCN Lisa M. Hodges, BSN RN CWOCN Kathleen A. Hoffman, RN CWOCN Patricia J. Hoge, BSN RN CWOCN Karen L. Hollis, BSN RN CWON Donna Houpt, BSN RN CWCN Janet G. Howard, BSN RN CWON Karen S. Hunter, BSN RN CWOCN Rita F. Huntrods, RN CWON Terri Hupfer, MSN RN CWCN COCN Melissa Hutchinson, BA RN CWCN Ms. Patricia Hutchinson, BSN RN CWCN COCN Connie Iattoni, BSN RN CWON Joanne M. Imbrogno Holtz, MSN RN CWOCN Kelly A. Irving, MSN RN CWCN Dona Lyndhia Isaac, BSN RN CWCN COCN Anita L. Jackson, MSN RN CWOCN Sheryl A. Jackson, MSN RN CWOCN Mary Anne Jadlos, MS NP CWOCN Pamela R. Jakubek, MSN RN CWOCN Ms. Belinda M. Jenkins, RN CWCN COCN CCCN Hyojeong Jeong, PhD RN CWCNCOCN CCCN Donnalee Jerome, MSN RN CWOCN Amy T. Jester, BSN RN CWON CCCN Angela L. Johnson, MSN NP CWOCN Marjorie A. Johnson, BSN RN CWCN COCN Wanda H. Johnson, MSN RN CWOCN Carol A. Jones, BSN RN CWCN COCN Donna Lynn Jones, BSN RN CWON CFCN Elizabeth S. Jones, RN CWOCN Tena T. Jordan, BSN RN CWOCN Rosemary Kates, MSN RN NP CWOCN Irene Patricia Keegan, RN CWON Ms. Rudella K. Kelley, BS RN CWCN Sherry D. Kennedy, BS RN CWOCN Michele Kessie, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Linda Kessler, BSN RN CWON Cindy I. Kiely, BSN RN CWOCN Janet M. Kilroy, MSN RN CWOCN Ms. Pamela R. Kirk, BSN RN CWCN COCN Cheri Klinghard, RN CWCN COCN CCCN Marcia M. Knutson, MSN RN COCN Monica Koch, BSN RN CWCN Deanna Sue Kohl, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Martha Kohn, CWON Mildred M. Krainski, MSN RN CWON Sheila A. Kramer, BSN RN CWON |
Karen S. Krenta, BA RN CWON CCCN Marta L. Krissovich, MS RN CNS CCCN Christine C. Kristeller, MSN RN NP CWCN Cecilia A. Krusling, MS RN CWOCN Phyllis T. Kupsick, MSN FNP-BC CWOCN Kathryn A. Kwiatkowski, BSN RN CWOCN Brenda L. Lang, RN CWCN Lauren H. Laubenstein, BSN RN CWON Jill R. Lay, BSN RN CWCN Jaime T. Le, BSN RN CWCN COCN Ms. Nadine F. Lendzion, RN CWCN COCN CCCN John R. Leopold, MSN RN CWCN Eurpan Lesher, BS RN CWCN Barbara B. Lewis, MA RN CWOCN Lara J. Lindsley, BSN RN CWON Martha C. Link, BSN RN CWOCN Susan J. Lloyd, BSN RN CWCN Katherine A. Loftis, BSN RN CWOCN Karen M. Long, MSN RN CWOCN Margaret L. Lott, MSN RN CWON Cordelia Lucas-Sherrod, BS RN CWON Shirley A. Lucier, BSN RN CWOCN Diana S. Lukaszka, BSN RN CWOCN Ms. Andrea MacCorkle, BSN RN CWOCN Sheila A. Mackle, MSN RN CWOCN Priscilla Ann MacMillan, BA RN CWON Sandra E. Maddox Perez, MSN RN CCCN CWCN Judith A. Madura, BS RN CWOCN Patricia A. Makara, BSN RN CWON Marina Makovetskaia, BSN RN CWON Renee Malandrino, MSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Janice Malett, MPH RN CWON Ms. Rebecca B. Mallonee, BSN RN CWOCN Michele L. Maloney, MSN RN CWCN COCN Jane E. Mansfield, BSN RN CWOCN Charlotte A. Martin, RN CWOCN Joanne W. Martin, BSN RN CWOCN Patsy E. Martinsek, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN Linda Mascolo, MSN RN CWCN COCN Kimberly R. Masters, BSN RN COCN Terill Matteis, BSN RN CWCN COCN Jane Matthees, BS RN CWCN COCN CCCN Robert J. Maurer, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Debra T. McCamish, BSN RN CWON Eileen M. McCann, BSN RN CWOCN Brenda M. McCloskey, BS RN CWCN Ms. Virginia E. McElvain, BSN RN CWOCN Andrea B. McIntosh, BSN RN CWOCN Beth McNutt-Clarke, MSN RN CWOCN Stewart McWilliams, BSN RN CWON CCCN Monica L. Melo, MSN RN CWOCN CFCN Ms. Catherine L. Melter, MSN RN CWOCN Lynn M. Mendak, BSN RN CWON Ms. Sophia T. Mesa, BSN RN CWCN Judith A. Meyer Clancy, MA RN CWOCN Tina Meyers, BSN RN CWOCN Faye R. Militante, BSN RN CWON Sandra Miller, BSN RN CWOCN Rebecca Milliken, BSN RN CWCN COCN Wanda Kaylene Mills, BS RN CWCN COCN CFCN Suzanne Mingis, BSN RN CWOCN Trudy Mitchell, BSN RN CWCN COCN Timothy R. Mork, BSN RN CWON Kathleen T. Morris, MSN RN CWCN Vicki J. Neidigh, BSN RN CWCN Marlene Nelson, BSN RN CWOCN Mary Jo Nethaway, BSN RN CWOCN Denise Netta-Turner, BSN RN CWON Maria E. Niehuser, BSN RN CWOCN Joanne C. Nora, BSN RN CWCN COCN Donna M. Noreika, BSN RN CWOCN Jennifer O'Brien, RN CWOCN Patricia A. O'Connor, BSN RN CWOCN Barbara L. O'Neill, MSN RN CWON Deborah L. Oakes, BS RN CWCN COCN CCCN Jo Ann M. Olsen, BSN RN CWOCN Barbara A. Olson, BA RN CWOCN Susan Marie Omann, MSN RN CWON CCCN Linda L. Orsega, RN CWON Christine Ozorio, BS RN CWOCN Mary A. Padden, BSN RN CWCN Elvin Park, MSN RN GNP CWCN Lori C. Parker, BSN RN CWOCN Gail Ann Parry, MSN RN CWON Kerry L. Pastors, BSN RN CWON Ms. Donna M. Patrick, BSN RN CWOCN Paula S. Pattison, BSN CWOCN Ms. Diane E. Peckham, BSN RN CWOCN Karen A. Peden, BSN RN CWON Marilyn F. Pekol, RN CWON Ms. Mary K. Pelissero, BSN RN CWCN CCCN Madeline Pendergrass, BSN RN CWCN COCN Valerie Kim Peoples, BS RN CWCN COCN Lourdes Perez, BSN RN CWCN Pamela J. Person, RN CWOCN Theresa Petersen, BSN RN CWCN Barbara Peterson, BSN RN CWOCN Joan B. Pethigal, BSN RN CWOCN Susanne S. Petros, BSN RN CWOCN Ronna L. Piccioni, BSN RN COCN Mona L. Picou, BSN RN CWON Audrey Pinches, BA RN CWON CCCN Ms. Janice M. Pleskovitch, BSN RN CWCN Ms. Nancy L. Poindexter, BSN RN CWCN James E. Porter, BSN RN CWON Sara S. Porter-Taylor, BSN RN CWCN Kelli Preston, RNBSN CWCN COCN CCCN Ms. Cynthia June Price, BSN RN COCN Nancy A. Price, BSN RN CWOCN Mary L. Puzder, BS RN CWON Yvonne Quillens, BSN RN CWON Kathleen A. Quinn, BSN RN CWON Sharon Ragsdale, BSN RN CWOCN Catherine R. Ratliff, PhD RN CWON CCCN CFCN Hope M. Reams, RN CWOCN David J. Recklitis, BSN RN CWON Terri L. Reed, BSN RN CWCN COCN Susan W. Reeder, MSN RN CWCN Susan J. Reese, BSN RN CWOCN Lisa E. Reichardt, MSN RN CWOCN Shirley A. Reimbold, BSN RN CWCN Michele E. Reisinger, MSN RN CWCN CCCN CFCN Susan E. Rich-Dulaney, RN CWCN Ms. Jerri L. Richardson, BSN RN CWON Bobbie L. Rinard, BSN RN CWCN COCN Deanna L. Rix, MSN RN CWON CCCN Shannon Roberts, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Stacey J. Roberts, BA RN CWON Joyce M. Robin, BS RN CWCN Catherine A. Rogers, MSN RN CWCN Susan G. Roque, BSN RN CWCN Cheryl Royce, BSN RN CWCN COCN Jane M. Rupert, RN CWOCN CFCN Frederick D. Rye, BSN RN CWCN COCN Gina M. Samion, CDE RN CWON Dorita Sanchez, BSN RN CWON Diane H. Sandman, MS RN FNP CWCN COCN Mary R. Sanford, BSN RN CWON Ms. Mary C. Saup, BSN RN CWOCN Joan Scates, BSN RN CWCN COCN Sandra Schlage, BSN RN CWOCN Carol H. Schlather, BSN RN CWCN Inge H. Schlegel, BSN RN CWON Lori Schmucker, BSN CWCN COCN CCCN Jacqueline Z. Schutte, BSN RN CWOCN Rita M. Scott, RN CWCN Winnie Seto, MSN RN CWCN Robbie Sharp, BSN RN CWOCN Lona A. Sharpe, BSN RN CWON Dawn Shepherd, BSN RN CWCN Varsha Shere, MSN RN CWOCN Carla Shock, MSN RN CWOCN Paula W. Shrader, BSN RN CWCN Polina Shvets, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Deborah A. Silver, RN CWON Terran W. Sims, MSN RN COCN CCCN Babita Singhal, BSN RN CWCN COCN Jill S. Smith, BSN RN CWOCN Lynda Smith, BSN RN CWCN COCN Ms. Nancy J. Smith, BSN RN CWOCN Ms. Suellen V. Smith, BSN RN CWOCN Jeannine M. Sorensen, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Theresa E. Souza, MSN RN CWOCN Nancy M. Spillo, BSN RN CWON Marcia Spraker Cavallo, BSN RN CWON Todd M. Springfield, BSN RN CWOCN Jeanne Stadler, MSN RN CWOCN Tammy R. Steighner, RN CWCN COCN CCCN Ms. Bethany A. Stenson, BS RN CWOCN Roxanne Stephens, BSN RN CWON Phyllis B. Stevens, RN CWON Ms. Teresa K. Sturnfield, MSN RN CWOCN CFCN Beverly Styles, MSN RN CWOCN Angel Sutton, BSN RN CWCN CFCN Linda K. Swann, RN CWCN COCN CCCN Ms. Mary K. Sweeney, BSN RN CWOCN Mary Lou Sylwestrak, MSN RN CWOCN Dora I. Taggart, RN CWCN Denice R. Taylor, MSN RN CWOCN Evelyn V. Taylor, BSN RN CWON Cherisse J. Tebben, BS MPH RN NP CWOCN Ms. Debra H. Theriot, MSN RN CWCN Kathy Thiesse, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Bonnie L. Thomas, RN BSN CWCN COCN CCCN Ms. Janice C. Thomas, BSN RN CWCN Thanuttha Tiensawang, MSN RN CWON CCCN Jacqueline L. Todd, RN CWCN Rebecca L. Toennies, BSN RN CWOCN Mary E. Tonelli, RN CWCN Carmel L. Toto, MS RN CWCN COCN CCCN Jan M. Travisono, BSN RN CWOCN Chyleen K. Tucker, BS RN CWOCN Sandra E. Tufts, BSN RN CWOCN Judy Tyson-Cornwell, MSN RN CWOCN Klasien Vaalburg, BA RN CWCN Mr. Mike Vail, BSN RN CWCN Wendy A. Valarik, BSN RN CWOCN Ms. Marisol Valentin, BSN RN CWOCN Judith Van Hagen, RN CWCN Lia C. Van Rijswijk, MSN RN CWCN Margaret C. Vansteenburgh, RN CWCN COCN CCCN Ms. Kayla Vidal, MSN RN CWOCN Sharon Vipond, BSN RN CWOCN Barbara Walker, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN Deborah Warner, MS ARNP CWCN Leslie L. Washuta, BS RN CWON COCN Pamela J. Waychoff, BSN RN CWOCN CCCN Sharon K. Webster, BSN RN CWCN CFCN Ms. Mary F. Weingart, BSN RN CWCN COCN Susan E. Weiss, BSN RN CWON Deborah A. Wessling, BSN RN CWON Colleen A. West, BSN RN CWON Sandra K. Wheeler, BS RN CWCN Ms. Susan Carol Karm Wieczorek, MSN RN CWOCN Ms. Wendy L. Wilkins, BSN RN CWOCN Sandra J. Williams, MSN RN CWON Gina A. Wilson, BSN RN CWCN COCN Pamela A. Wilson, MS RN CWOCN Welland W. Wilson, BSN RN CWCN COCN Ms. Nancy Winkler, BS RN CWOCN Renetta L. Winkler, BSN RN CWOCN Jill W. Wittbold, BSN RN CWOCN Lynne I. Woods, BS RN CDE CWCN CCCN Mary J. Worzella, RN CWCN Ms. Martha Wright Davidson, MSN RN CWOCN Julie M. Yamarino, BSN RN CWOCN Cynthia A. Yarberry, MSN RN CWON Elizabeth A. Yoder, MSN RN CWOCN Estelle Zanotti, MSN RN CWOCN Ms. Linda J. Zech, MSN RN CWOCN Madeline M. Zumbo, BSN RN COCN |