In this issue, we post answers to our TOP THREE FAQs.
Q: I've passed my exams, and I want to demonstrate I've earned the credentials. When will I receive my certificate?
A: Certificates are issued on a quarterly basis. For example, if you test in July, August, or September, your certificates will be issued at the end of October. If your employers need to verify your credentials now, just have them contact the WOCNCB office at 1-888-496-2622 They can also look up your credentials on the Credential Verification page
Q: HELP! My credentials have lapsed! How can I recertify?
A: Just follow the same eligibility requirements and instructions as for initial certification.
- Be currently licensed as a Registered Nurse
- Hold a baccalaureate degree
- Fulfill ONE of the three eligibility pathways - Traditional education, Experiential, or Graduate.
Q: I have questions about the types of activities and projects to place in my PGP portfolio. What do I do?
A: Look for answers to similar questions that are already posted on the WOCNCB Web site at http://www.wocncb.org/ask-the-board/questions.php. And if you need answers about completing the PGP forms, this PowerPoint presentation is very helpful: http://www.wocncb.org/recertification/pgp/. If your questions are not addressed online, the WOCNCB office staff will be happy to assist you at 1-888-496-2622.
Answers to many of your questions can be found on our Web site at Ask the Board and FAQs or by contacting the office at 1-888-496-2622 or info@wocncb.org.
What's New?
$100 Rebate Offer on Clinical Nurse Specialist Core Exam
Nurses who sit for the Clinical Nurse Specialist Core Exam before December 31, 2009 can receive a $100 rebate on their application fee. For more information click on the announcement icon or go to http://www.nursecredentialing.org/NurseSpecialties/CNSCoreExam.aspx
Free Webcasts from the WOCN Society
View informative, non-CE presentations on CAUTIs and Pressure Ulcer Assessment at
WOCN/WCET Call for Abstracts
Share your knowledge at the 2010 WOCN/WCET conference. For more information, click on the announcement icon or go to http://wocn.confex.com/wocn/2010am/cfp.cgi
New on www.WOCNCB.org
Need help with your PGP portfolio? Go to http://www.wocncb.org/recertification/pgp/
Feeling stressed about an exam? Find tips at http://www.wocncb.org/become-certified/test-preparation/

Look for the WOCNCB
Evidence-based Practice Supplement in July/August JWOCN
In case you missed it or want to share it with your colleagues and employers, here's a link the WOCNCB's first annual Review of the Evidence for WOC Nursing Practice. We sponsored it in the July/August 2009 Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing. http://journals.lww.com/jwocnonline/toc/2009/07001
2009 ABNS/CCI Nursing Certification and Competency Summit
Two representatives of the WOCNCB attended the ABNS/CCI Nursing Certification and Competency Summit October 7-9, 2009 in Baltimore, MD. Summit objectives are to create a unified research agenda on nursing certification and continuing competency and to establish strategies for study. Look for a report in December's Certification eNews.
2009 SORIM Conference
To keep our fingers on the pulse of healthcare regulation and reform, two WOCNCB representatives will attend the 2009 Symposium on Regulatory Issues for Managers of Long-term Care and Acute Care (SORIM) in Baltimore on October 22-23, 2009. The event gives the WOCNCB opportunities to network with and educate congressional representatives, officials from CMS and executives from long-term and acute care facilities.
Upcoming Advertising
ANA SmartBrief. Monthly ads in this free e-mail newsletter from the American Nursing Association. You can subscribe at http://www.smartbrief.com/ana/
Upcoming Events
2010 American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) Annual Meeting & Expo.
April 9-13, 2010. Indianapolis, IN http://www.aone.org/aone/conference/welcome.html
2010 WOCN/WCET Joint Conference, June 12-16, 2010, in Phoenix, Arizona. Visit our booth and attend our sessions on the Professional Growth Portfolio (PGP) process and Marketing the Value of WOCNCB Certification.