Good News You Can Use

Congratulations to each newly certified and recertified nurse!

These nurses were newly certified or recertified during the period of April 2009 through June 2009

Newly Certified
Congratulations to all of you for earning your WOCNCB credentials, The Gold Standard for Certification! You join more than 5800 WOCNCB-certified wound, ostomy, continence and foot care nurses.

Tammy Adams, BSN RN CWOCN
Bruce T. Anderson, MSN RN CWON
Cynthia A. Andrews, BSN RN CWOCN
Brenda Barber, RN CWOCN
Larissa Ann Barclay, MSN RN CWCN
Victoria Barrows, BS RN CWCN
Ana M. Bedon, BSN RN CWCN
Kimberly Michele Bennett-Sutton, BSN RN CWOCN
Lara Birk, RN CFCN
Cherry M. Bisquera, BSN RN CWOCN
Harriet Blau, BS RN CWCN
Viola Bonnema, RN CFCN
Carol Bordignon, BS RN CWOCN
Ginette Boudreault-Carrera, BSN RN CWOCN
Luanne M. Bowen, BS RN CWOCN
Anna E. Braden, BSN RN CWOCN
Denise Bradley, BSN RN CWOCN
Kristen Schmidt Brady, MSN RN CWCN
Timothy Bray, BSN RN CWCN
Elva L. Brings, RN CWCN
Janel L. Brown, BSN RN COCN
Jeanette M. Brown, BSN RN CWOCN
Rosemary W. Brown, BSN RN CFCN
Catherine M. Butler, BSN RN CWCN
Dawn Caldarulo, BSN RN CWOCN
Melissa Campbell, BSN RN CWCN
Anne Carl, BSN RN CWON
Wendy Carley, BSN RN CWON
Kathryn Cawthorne, BSN RN CWOCN
Lynne Chandlee, BSN RN CWOCN
Pamela D. Cox, BSN RN CWOCN
Anne-Marie Davenport, BSN RN CWCN
Delphine O'rourke Davidson, BSN RN CFCN
Joseph M. Del Duca, BSN RN CWCN
Christine L. Digeronimo, MSN RN CWCN
Rachelle Diosdado, BSN RN CWOCN
Shauna L. Eckroth, BSN RN CCCN
Joy Edwards-Beckett, PhD RN CWCN
Cynthia Ellman, BSN RN CWCN CCCN
Virginia Espeland, BSN RN CWOCN
Dianne L. Feeser, MSN RN CWOCN
Laurie Fishero, BSN RN CWON
Mary Forman, RN CWCN
Venice Francis-Churilov, BSN MA RN CWCN
Barbara Freimuth, BSN RN CWCN
Donna Galles, BSN RN CWCN
Jamie L. Geraci, BSN RN CWCN
Michelle Goodman, MSN RN CWCN
Debbie Gregory-Rivers, BSN RN CWCN
Lyndee Griffith, BSN RN CWCN
Robin Guttler, RN CWCN
Elizabeth Handel, BSN RN CWOCN
Beverly Diane Head, BSN RN CWOCN
Veronica Leigh Hinkle, MSN RN CWOCN
Julie A. Ho, BA RN CWCN
Rhonda A. Hosey, BSN RN CWOCN
Amber Hoyt, BSN RN CWON
Janice S. Hughes, BSN RN CWON
Jamarys Hwang, BSN RN CWOCN
Marisa K. Jahnke, BSN RN CWOCN
Jillian N. Jenking, BSN RN CCCN
Lynn C. Jensen, BSN RN CWOCN
Shannon J. Johns, BSN RN CWCN
Leigh Rhonda Johnson, RN CFCN
Lokenani Kealoha, BSN RN COCN CFCN
Amber Keith, BSN RN CWON
Carol Ann Kennedy, BA RN CWCN CCCN
Bruni M. Kennon, RN CWCN
Jacqueline Dee Kramer, MSN RN CWCN CCCN
Lisa Kroleski, BSN RN CWOCN
Janelle Kusmits, BSN RN CWOCN
Linda Lee-Angelo, BSN RN CWCN
Tarskrilla P. Lockhart, BA RN CFCN
Maria Lopiccolo, RN CWOCN
Sarah C. Lupes, BSN RN CWOCN
Monika Jean Lyman, BSN RN CWCN
Ginger B. Lyon, BSN RN CFCN
Liza Sarah Malamute, BSN RN CFCN
Joanna Markatatos, BSN RN CWCN
Laura Croft Maw, RN CCCN
Carol McAllister, RN CFCN
Regina McFadden-Moehling, MSN RN CWCN
Julia K. McMillian, BSN RN CWON
Heather McMurtry, BSN RN CCCN
Lisa M. Nowicki, BSN RN CWOCN
Sandra M. Oehlke, RN CWOCN
Kathy Overmyer, BS RN CWCN
Helen B. Pallares Janiec, BA RN CWOCN
Joni R. Paris, BSN RN CWOCN
Alicia Pellerin, BSN RN CWON
Sandra K. Perry, RN CFCN
Nicole Pettavino, BSN RN CWON
Beverly Wilson Phoenix, MSN RN CWON
Maricar M. Phua, BSN RN CWON
Judith A. Podpadec, BSN RN COCN
Myra Ragasa, BSN RN CWCN
Shelly Laverne Rapp, RN CFCN
Cheryl Rathje, BSN RN CWCN
Christy Recke, BSN RN CWCN
Natalie Roach, BSN RN COCN
Kathleen M. Rodriguez, RN CWOCN CFCN
Barbara B. Ruben, BSN RN COCN CCCN
Janell Janice Schoenfeld, BSN RN CWOCN
Kimberly Ann Smitka, BSN RN CWON
Carey Spitler, BSN RN CWON
Kimberly Stokes, BS RN CWCN
Janet Stone, BSN RN CWON
Julie A. Sturtevant, RN CFCN
Joni J. Suhr, RN COCN
Brenda Swierenga, BSN RN CWCN
Nicole Tammaro, BSN RN CWOCN
Leann Thayer, BSN RN CWCN
Christine H. Thornhill, BSN RN CWOCN
Marina Trago, BSN RN CWCN
Joel Travis, BS RN CWOCN
Aisha Umar, BS RN CWON
Lisa Van Water Mulen, FNP CWON
Sarah Vandenberg, BSN RN CFCN
Jennifer Vandiver, BSN RN CWON
Carla Vandyke, MSN RN CWCN
Becky S. Walters, MSN RN CWCN
Patricia Webster, BSN RN CWCN
Diane Kay Widick, RN CFCN
Rebecca Yousey, BSN RN CWOCN

Kudos and thanks to you all for maintaining your WOCNCB credentials! We are proud of your achievement and that you have chosen to continue supporting The Gold Standard for Certification!

Ozenna D. Acerson-Mosby, BSN RN CWCN COCN
Phyllis M. Adriano, BSN RN CWON
Amelia Agostinelli, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN
Anita L. Allfrey, RN CWON
Laura M. Alvis, BS RN CWON
Leigh S. Ammons, BSN RN CWOCN
Melissa A. Angyus, MSN RN CWCN-AP
Mary Arnold-Long, CNS CRRN CWOCN-AP
Luciana T. Arntson, RN CWON CCCN
Debra L. Arrowood, BSN RN CWOCN
Joan A. Aumack, BSN RN CWOCN
Ann G. Avery, RN CWCN
Elaine S. Aylward, BS RN COCN
Catherine A. Baker, BSN RN CWCN
Amelia S. Bandelier, BSN RN CWON CCCN
Gina M. Banks, MSN NP CWOCN
Judith A. Barry, RN CWON
Margaret J. Barstow, BSN RN CWOCN
Lisa Bashford, BSN RN CWCN
Michele Bauer, MSN RN CWCN
Jennifer R. Beale, RN CWCN
Kelly E. Bell, BSN RN CWCN
Carol K. Benton, BSN RN CWCN
Martine S. Bernais, BSN RN CWOCN
Deborah M. Berry, MSN RN CWCN CCCN
Anita Susan Beyer, BSN RN CWOCN
Stan A. Bialoski, BSN RN CWCN
Donna M. Bischoff, BSN RN CWON
Nina E. Blanton, MN RN CWON
Barbara A. Bloniarz, BSN RN CRRN CWOCN
Michele Borgman, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN
Sherry Lynn Boucher, RN CWCN
Julia Q. Brackett, BSN RN CWOCN
Marianne Bradley, MSN RNC CWOCN
Evelyn L. Brady, BSN RN CWON CCCN
Jennifer L. Brinkman, BSN RN CWON
Luanne Brogna, MSN RN CWOCN
Connie S. Brown, BSN RN CWCN
Pamela R. Brown, BSN RN CWOCN
Ramona Ryan Broyles, BSN RN CWCN
Terese A. Bruzzese, BSN RN CWOCN
Nancy L. Bryan, RN CWCN
Michele R. Burdette-Taylor, MS RNCN CWCN CFCN
Pamela J. Burkhardt, RN CWOCN
Judith A. Burnham, BS RN CWCN
Kelly L. Burns, BSN RN CWON CCCN
Gaila P. Call, BSN RN CWOCN
Monica Callaway, BS RN CWOCN
Jane C. Carson, BSN RN CWOCN
Michelle R. Cassell, MSN RN CWON
Donna M. Causer-Malone, MSN RN CWON
Andres T. Cerna, BSN RN CWCN CCCN
Nancy K. Chatham, BS RN CWOCN
Carlen M. Chin, BSN RN CWCN COCN
Lorraine E. Clark-Reed, MSN RN CWON
Gail L. Clarke, BSN RN CWON
Bonita G. Cloyd, MSN RN CWOCN
Faith A. Cole, BA RN CWCN
Louise Cole, BSN RN CWON
Juliette B. Crichton, BSN RN COCN
Barbara A. Crumbling, RN CWCN
Bonnie L. Cunningham, MSN RN CWOCN
Jennifer Davenport, BSN RN CWOCN
Margaret B. Davis, BSN RN CWOCN
Mary L. Dean, BSN RN CWOCN
Catherine D. Deciantis, BS RN CWCN
Judith Dedio, BSN RN CWOCN
Mary Patricia A. Deeb, BSN RN CWCN
Danese C. DeLuca, BSN RN CWON
Erika Dickerson, BSN RN CWON CCCN
Tamara L. Dickinson, RN CCCN
Grace A. Dompreh, BSN RN CWON
Yvonne I. Doyle, BSN RN CWON
Deanna L. Duehning, BSN RN CWCN COCN
Ellen O. Duell, MSN APRN CWOCN
Jean T. Dukich, MSN ARNP CWOCN
Joy L. Edvalson, MSN NP CWOCN
Cynthia Michele Ek, BSN RN CWOCN
Julie A. Elliott, BSN RN CWON
Connie Ellis, MS RNC CWOCN
Gayle Y. Endow, BSN RN CWCN
Alma Renee Epting, BSN RN CWOCN
Lora L. Fein, RN CWCN
Jennifer H. Fimiani, BSN RN CWON
Maurleen A. Fincher, BSN RN CWON
Wendy L. Fiorenzo, BSN RN CWOCN
Jacqueline C. Foster, BS RN CWON
Kelly J. Freeman, BSN RN CWOCN
Rebecca Fry, BSN RN CWOCN
Susan L. Fuller, RN CWCN
Teresa A. Garin, BA RN CWON
Laurie Gauper, BSN RN CWOCN
Janet H. George, RN CWON
Gloria J. Gerard, RN CWOCN
Mary A. Gerlach, MSN RN CWOCN
Michele L. Giese, BSN RN CWCN
Robin K. Gilman, MSN RN CWOCN
Carol R. Glenn, BSN RN CWOCN
Cynthia R. Glennon, BSN RN CWCN
Kiane R. Goebel, MSN NP CWOCN
Catherine L. Gray, BA RN CWON
Judy E. Grier, BS RN CWOCN
Sheryl D. Griese, BSN RN CWOCN
Bevette E. Griffin, RN CWON
Paula Gruccio, MSN RN CWOCN
Kathleen D. Grundy, BSN RN CWCN
Patricia A. Haberer, BSN RN MA CWOCN
Annette Haller, BSN RN CWON CCCN
Linda R. Hanson, MSN RN NP CWOCN
Shelley A. Harmony, BSN RN CWCN COCN
Beverly W. Harris, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN
Dorriann Hart, MSN RNC CNS CWOCN
Vicki L. Haugen, BSN RN CWOCN
Marlys A. Hay, RN CWOCN
Christine M. Heady, BSN RN CWOCN
Christine E. Hendrickson, BS RN CWCN
Patti G. Hendrix, BSN RN CWON
Barbara S. Henning, MSN RN CWOCN
Linda Hess, RN CWCN
Katherine R. Hill, BSN RN CWOCN
Linda M. Hill, BA RN CWON
Tammy Shawn Hogan, BSN RN CWON
Elaine C. Hoglin, RN CWOCN
Peggy Hollis, MSN RN CWOCN
Tammy Pewitt Holmes, BS RN CWCN
Donna Joy Hooper, BSN RN CWON CCCN
Barbara A. Horvath, MSN RN CS CWON
Mary Jo Hurst, BSN RN CWOCN
Cheryl L. Hutton, RN CWON
Cheryl L. Isgro, BSN RN CWOCN
Hyojeong Jeong, PhD RN CWCNCOCN CCCN
Anne K. Jinbo, MSN RN CWOCN
Patti J. Johnston, RN CWCN
Mary Rachel Jones, BSN RN CWOCN
V. Caroline D. Jones, BSN RN CWON
Sandra L. Kapp, RN CWCN
Jan G. Kass, BSN RN CWON
Patricia A. Kaukola Weber, BSN RN CWOCN
Marilyn J. Keiser, BSN RN CWOCN
Rhonda Kelly, BSN RN CWOCN
Heidi L. Kendall, BSN RN CWOCN
Susan M. Kicklighter, BSN RN CWON
Catherine M. King, BSN RN CWCN
Colleen V. Klamm, BSN RN CWCN
Sandra J. Knowles, RN CWON
Lou B. Kodish, BA RN CWOCN
Bridgette A. Kramer, RN CWCN
Susan K. Kruzell, RN CWCN
Evonne M. Kuchera, RN COCN
Glenda A. Kupferle, MSN RN CWOCN
Suzanne C. Lampe, BSN MBA RN CWOCN
Rebecca C. Lance, BSN RN CWON
Judith C. Landis-Erdman, BSN RN CWOCN
Linda C. Lankenau, MSN RN CWON
Mary K. Larson, BSN RN CWCN
Kathleen L. Lee, RN CCCN
Staci Lefkowitz, MSN RN CWCN CCCN COCN
Joanne M. Lejca, MSN RN CWCN
Diane F. Lenk, MSN RN CS CWOCN
Kathy Sue Lewallen, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN
Patricia J. Lilley, BSN RN CWOCN
Barbara S. List, BSN RN CWOCN
Charles G. Loftis, BSN RN CWCN
Nancy Lueker, BS RN CWON
Karen Elaine Lyman, BSN RN CWON
Lou Ann MacMorran, MSN RN CWON
Marilyn S. Magoffin, MSN PHN CWOCN
Wendy D. Manganiello, BSN RN CWOCN
Elizabeth Zoe Mann, BSN RN CWON BSN RN
Amber M. Manning, BSN RN CWOCN
Aida Marie Martinez, BSN RN COCN CWCN
Janet E. Martinez, BSN RN CWOCN
Nancy M. Martucci, BSN RN CWOCN
Theresa R. Maxwell, MSN APN CWOCN
Dianne S. McCollum, BSN RN CWOCN
Frances A. McCourt, RN CWCN
Maureen P. McDonald, MSN RN CWCN
Joyce McDonough, MSN RN CWOCN
Christina R. McDougall, BSN RN CWOCN
Peggy L. McGarity, BSN RN CWON
Rosalie McKenzie, MSN RN CWOCN
Rosemary K. McLaughlin, BSN RN CWOCN
Laurie McNichol, MSN RN GNP CWOCN
Joanne C. McPhail, RN CWCN
Vivian Meredith, BSN RN CWON
Mary D. Merrill, MSN RN CWOCN
Maureen Middleton, RN COCN
Shelia Moore Miller, BSN RN CWCN COCN
Jean R. Monnen, BSN RN CWOCN
Barbara A. Monteverde, MSN RN CWCN
Victoria J. Morris, BSN RN CWOCN
Kathryn H. Morrisse, MSN RN CWOCN
Joan M. Morse, MSN RN CDE CWON
Marilyn J. Murphy Shepherd, MSN RN CWOCN
Mary E. Nale, RN CWCN
Annette K. Necciai, BSN RN CWCN COCN
Pamela G. Neighbors, BSN RN CWON
Judy A. Newman, RN CWCN
Mary S. Nick, BSN RN CWON
Marcia A. Oetiker, BSN RN CWOCN
Linda M. Olson, BSN RN CWON
Lillian Ortiz, MSN RN CWCN
Corey J. Orzolek, BSN RN CWOCN
Megan M. Padden, MSN RN CWOCN
Darlene J. Paduano, MSN RN CS CWON CDE
Ruewenna M. Paige-Padgett, BSN RN CWON CFCN
Elaine Papineau, MSN RN CWCN
Deborah C. Parce, MSN RN CWON
Usha K. Patel, APN CWOCN
Patricia A. Pellegrino, MSN RN CWOCN
Patricia T. Perlow, BSN RN CWOCN
Nancy L. Pickens, BSN RN CWOCN
Audrey Pinches, BA RN CWON CCCN
Karen M. Pinto, BSN RN CWOCN
Linda Morgan Pitschka, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN
Sara Lou Pitt, BSN RN CWOCN
Joyce A. Pittman, PhD APRN-BC CWOCN
Kathleen L. Potter, BSN RN COCN
Linda R. Pranitis, RN CWCN
Mary C. Price, MN RN NP CWON
Magdalena Pupiales, MPH RN BSN CWOCN
Maritza Rao, BSN RN CWON
Catherine R. Ratliff, PhD RN CWON CCCNCFCN
Lou Ann L. Rau, BSN RN CWOCN
Elizabeth L. Reid, BSN RN CWCN COCN CCCN
Teresa Lynn Renteria, BSN RN CWOCN
Linda Reynolds, BSN RN CWOCN
Suzanne R. Rinc-Pierce, RN CWCN
Irma Rivera, BSN RN CWOCN
Erica B. Roach, RN CWON
Jana W. Rochette, BSN RN CWOCN
Rachel N. Rockafellow, MSN RN CCCN
Elaine M. Rogozan, BSN RN CWON
Karen P. Ross, MSN RN CWCN
Kathleen M. Roth, BSN RN CWOCN
Barbara J. Rozenboom, BSN RN CWON
Donna J. Rydberg, MSN RN CWOCN
June M. Saar, BSN RN CWOCN
Ginger D. Salvadalena, MN RN CWOCN
Nanette Sarno, BSN RN CWCN COCN
Karen G. Schankweiler, BSN RN CWON
Cathy S. Selway, BSN RN CWON
Darcey L. Sevo, BSN RN COCN
Thomas J. Sheppard, BSN RN CWCN
Jean M. Shultz, BSN RN CWOCN
Katherine J. Siena Hubley, BA RN CWCN
Toni G. Silver, MSN RN CWCN
Colleen J. Simpson, BSN RN CWON
Catherine L. Sinclair, MSN RN NP CWCN
Babita Singhal, BSN RN CWCN COCN
Pamela D. Skaggs, BSN RN CWON
Bertha L. Smith, BSN RN CWCN
Elma M. Smith, BSN RN CWON
Virginia K. Smith, BSN RN CWCN
Janet L. Snedegar, MSN RN CWOCN
Bonnie J. Snyder, RN CWCN
Camille Groskurth Spess, MS RN COCN
Nancy Ann Stone, BSN RN CWON
Barbara L. Strunk, MSN RN CWOCN
Mary C. Sugrue, BSN RN CWOCN
Ruth J. Tamulonis, MSN RN CWON
Kathy E. Tavernelli, BSN RNC CWOCN
Barbara A. Taylor, MSN RN CWCN
Maureen E. Tejeda, MS RN CWOCN
Deborah K. Tenge, MS RN CWCN CCCN
Sandra J. Tharpe, RN CWCN
Debra M. Thayer, MSN RN CWOCN
Glenda J. Thomas, MSN RN CWOCN
Thanuttha Tiensawang, MSN RN CWON CCCN
Ginger G. Todd, BSN RN CWOCN
Ramona A. Tomshack, BSN APN-CNS CWOCN
Sharon F. Traylor, RN CWON
Shirley M. Trevillion, BS RN CWCN COCN
Robert J. Trout, MSN RN CWOCN
Elizabeth Ann Tully, BSN RN CWCN COCN
Patricia A. Turner, BSN RN CWCN
Laura O. Vadman, BSN RN CWON
Judy Van Wyhe, BSN RN CWOCN
Sarah M. Vanderelli, BSN RN CWOCN
Donna F. Villarimo, MSN RN CWCN
Pamela Violetto, RN CWCN
Cherrie Hope Voegeli, RN CWON
Lisa W. Wadzinski, BSN RN CWCN CCCN
Joanne M. Walker, MSN RN CWOCN
Carol L. Walters, MSN RN CWCN
Diane P. Walton, BSN RN CWCN
Julia A. Warner, BSN RN CWOCN CFCN
Suzanne L. Wary, MSN RN CWOCN
Shauna Renee Webster, RN CWCN
Kathy H. Wettstein, RN CWCN
Mark F. Wewer, BSN RN CWOCN
Lucy J. Wicks, MSN RN CWOCN
Ann Williams, BSN RN CWOCN
Jacqueline S. Wiseman, BSN RN CWON
Sharon A. Woodson-Moss, MSN NP CWCN CCCN
Nancy Jane Woodward, MSN RN CWCN COCN
Mary K. Wooten, MSN RN CWON
Erin Workman, BSN RN CWCN CFCN
Sandra K. Zastrow, BSN RN CWON
Linda M. Zauner, RN CWCN
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Survey Says

Last month, hundreds of you responded to a survey developed by the WOCNCB Marketing Committee. The survey had an important goal: to guide the WOCNCB's marketing efforts to best help you and your career.

Here's what you said we can do for you:

28% Maintain the value of WOCNCB credentials and spread our message to others
17% Provide education opportunities, including review materials and CEs or else links to these resources
16% Give more help with recertification including PGP
10% Improve communication about eligibility changes, deadlines, etc.
7% Address exam issues, including question quality and applicability, the registration process, exam locations, and cost issues
5% Provide current medical practice knowledge including information about treatment, practices and using equipment, and pharmaceuticals

Your number one concern - to maintain the status and integrity of The Gold Standard for Certificationsm and to broadcast that message to healthcare administrators, regulators, payers and consumers - is also the board's number one concern. In 2009, we made over 2,000 contacts with nursing, hospital and long term care administrators, state boards of nursing, and members of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs). We are already drafting new brochures and fliers for outreach to important healthcare stakeholders in 2010.

Survey Snippets

How do you prefer to receive the WOCNCB's newsletter?

  • 59% e-mail
  • 19% print
  • 17.5% print + e-mail

How often do you want to receive the WOCNCB newsletter?

  • 53.5% quarterly
  • 22.7% monthly

What do you want to read about in the WOCNCB Certification eNews newsletter?
Your Top Five Picks:

  1. Treatment and practice tips
  2. Sample exam questions
  3. Help with exam preparation
  4. Help with PGP
  5. How you can promote your value

Each of your concerns is important to us, and we'll strive to address each one as the year unfolds.

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Frequently Asked Questions

In this issue we focus on frequently asked questions from the 2009 Marketing Committee survey.

  1. Why don't you e-mail me / mail a reminder when it's time to recertify?
    The WOCNCB office sends e-mail and postcard reminders to every certificant. The first reminder is sent 12 months before the certification expires, and is repeated quarterly. If you are not receiving these reminders, be sure to call the national office to verify your contact information.
  2. The PGP program is so confusing. Help!
    You'll find a link to a helpful PowerPoint presentation at Remember that the WOCNCB staff is ready to answer all your questions about recertifying in wound, ostomy, continence or foot care using the PGP method.
  3. Why doesn't the WOCNCB offer updated information about treatments, technology and medications?
    The WOCNCB is legally chartered as a certification board with the mission to promote the highest standard of consumer care and safety by providing credentialing in the areas of wound, ostomy, continence and foot care nursing. Providing medical information is beyond the scope of our charter. Information about treatments, technology and medications is available from the WOCN Society.
  4. I need study materials and CEs for the certification or recertification exam. Why doesn't the WOCNCB provide classes and study materials?
    The WOCNCB avoids any possible conflicts of interest between certification and education functions. However, the WOCNCB Web site does offer links to resources offering CEs, text books, and review courses. Just click on the URLs below.
© 2025 WOCNCB Certification e-NEWS is a quarterly publication of the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Certification Board