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Program News and Updates

Don't let your your WOCNCB Credentials Lapse — New Rules in 2010
New Eligibility Requirements for Recertification of Lapsed Credentials
The WOCNCB's new requirements for recertification of lapsed credentials will change as of December 22, 2010. The policy was changed for two reasons: to promote the highest standard of consumer care and safety and to standardize the lapsed credential process for all certificants.
Starting December 22, 2010, if you allow your credentials to lapse, you may only recertify via exam, and you must show your eligibility to sit for the exam through the Experiential Pathway. This new requirement will apply to all certificants, even those who have completed an approved education program, who allow their WOCNCB credentials to lapse.
What does that mean for you? As of December 22, 2010, if ANY of your credentials lapse:
A. You must apply to sit for the exam as an initial candidate, not as a recertifying candidate, and
B. In order to qualify to sit for any exam(s), you must prove eligibility through the Experiential Pathway. The details are listed below:
Experiential Pathway for Wound, Ostomy, and/or Continence credentials:
1. Within each specialty for which certification is sought,
- 50 contact hours (CEs) or an equivalent in college course work (post-bachelor's) completed over the previous five years.
- All CEs or college course work must directly apply to the specialty area for which applied.
Continuing Education (CEs)
- Must submit a CE log - page 19 of the Candidate Handbook - showing program date, course title, course provider and approved accrediting organization.
- If a submitted educational program covers multiple topics, the program brochure and/or topic outline should also be included with the application.
- A copy of all CE certificates must be submitted with the application.
College Course Credits
- Must include with application course description, course content outlines, and evidence of course hours applying to the specialty.
- Must include copy of official college transcripts
2. Within each specialty for which certification is sought
- 1500 clinical hours directly related to the specialty completed and verified within the previous five years.
- Note: 375 out of the 1500 clinical hours must have occurred within the past year prior to application.
The most current eligibility requirements can be found in the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Handbook.
Experiential Pathway for Foot Care credentials:
The required documentation for the experiential pathway consists of an application with:
- a log of a minimum of five (5) CEs
- verification by a licensed health care practitioner that you have completed at least eight (8) hours of direct foot and nail care under the supervision of an expert in foot care.
The most current eligibility requirements can be found in the Foot and Nail Care Handbook.
Maintain your certification
The WOCNCB credentials are The Gold Standard for Certificationsm in wound, ostomy, continence and foot care. Certification is precious, so please pay close attention to your certification date. It is a date you don't want to miss!
- Check your certification date online at http://www.wocncb.org/credential-verification/index.php
- Be sure we have your current postal and e-mail contact information - contact the WOCNCB office at info@wocncb.org
Times are Tough and Money is Tight
For financial help with recertification fees, apply to the WOCNCB Benevolence Fund.
Click here for information and application.
Are you Receiving Recertification Reminders?
As a courtesy to you, recertification reminders are sent via e-mail and postal mail 12, 9, and 6 months and 6 weeks ahead of your credential expiration date. To be sure you will receive them, click here to notify the WOCNCB of any address or e-mail updates.
Remember - the WOCN Certification Board (WOCNCB) and the WOCN Society are separate organizations with separate databases, and updates must be sent to each organization separately.
Credential Verification
You or your employer can verify your credentials at any time on our Web site at http://www.wocncb.org/credential-verification/index.php

Apply Now for 2010 Certification Grants
Receive Up To $450 toward Your Certification Fees
Accepting applications through January 31, 2010
The Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing Certification Board (WOCNCB) will award up to three Certification Grants in 2010 to qualified candidates. Each grant will cover fees up to $450 for nurses certifying or recertifying in wound, ostomy, continence, and/or foot care.
- You must be in the process of becoming certified or recertified by:
- having applied for (re)certification, or
- scheduled an exam date for (re)certification, or
- having submitted an application and portfolio via the Professional Growth Program (PGP) within the last calendar year, or
- earned (re)credentialing within the last calendar year, or
- have completed an accredited WOC education program within the last calendar year
- You must be currently working as a Wound, Ostomy, Continence or Foot Care Nurse.
- You may not have applied for and received a certification grant within the last five (5) years.
Your application and supporting materials must be submitted to the WOCNCB office and postmarked or e-mailed no later than January 31, 2010. The grant application and full details on the submission guidelines can be found on the WOCNCB Web site at http://www.wocncb.org/awards-and-grants/grants.php
Foot Care and Advanced Practice Fee Discounts for all Certificants!
Don't Miss Out! Special First- time Foot Care and AP Discounts for 2010
The WOCNCB Board of Directors announces special exam fee discounts for current certificants who apply for Advanced Practice (AP) or Certified Foot Care Nurse (CFCN®) examinations between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010. These discounts are offered as a way to increase awareness for our newest credentials and to support you with your professional development.
Foot Care Certification - 50% Discount
A 50% exam fee discount is available for your initial WOCNCB certification as a Certified Foot Care Nurse (CFCN). To be eligible for the discount, you must be eligible for CFCN certification and currently certified with one or more WOCNCB credentials. Note: this special discount does not apply to CFCN recertification. Click here to access CFCN eligibility requirements.
Advanced Practice Certification - 25% Discount
A 25% certification fee discount is available for your initial WOCNCB certification as an Advanced Practiced (AP) nurse. To be eligible for the discount, you must be eligible for the AP credential and must submit your initial AP portfolio within one year of receiving the WOCNCB credential(s). Note: this special discount does not apply to AP recertification. Click here to access AP eligibility requirements.
We encourage you to continue your professional growth in your specialized nursing practice for the benefit of yourself, your employer, and especially, your patients.
Employer Award Applications Now Being Accepted
Nominate your employer for the 2010 WOCNCB Employer Recognition Award
Accepting nominations through January 31, 2010
Does your employer support nurses seeking certification and recognize those who have succeeded? Does your employer advance the value of nursing?
Nominate your employer for the 2010 Employer Recognition Award by following these guidelines:
- Only current WOCNCB Certificant or Certificants can nominate an organization.
- Your nomination must include an essay describing how the organization promotes recognition, appreciation, encouragement and advancement of the WOCNCB credentials.
- The nominated organization must meet one or more requirements specified in the guidelines. Documented evidence must be submitted with your nomination.
The application and supporting materials must be submitted to the WOCNCB office and postmarked by January 31, 2010. The nomination application and full details on the submission guidelines can be found on the WOCNCB Web site at http://www.wocncb.org/awards-and-grants/awards.php
Update: Advanced Practice Job Analysis Survey
The WOCNCB Board of Directors and the Advanced Practice Committee have approved a final Advanced Practice job analysis survey, which will be used to develop an Advanced Practice examination. We are currently communicating with six different organizations of Certified Nurse Specialists and Nurse Practitioners to enlist their members as survey participants. The target for releasing the survey is early first quarter, 2010. If you or a colleague know of a CNS or NP who would participate in this survey, please contact the WOCNCB office at info@wocncb.org with their primary e-mail address.
Update: WOCNCB and the 2009 ABNS/CCI Nursing Certification and Competency Summit
Two representatives of the WOCNCB attended a Research Summit of the American Board of Nursing Specialties (ABNS) and the Competency & Credentialing Institute (CCI) in October. Summit objectives were to create a unified research agenda on nursing certification and continuing competency and to establish strategies for study.
Summit participants identified this set of research priorities:
- Certification and patient outcomes
- Continuing competency
- The work environment
Participants also agreed that the ABNS would take the lead in moving the research agenda forward.
What does this mean for the WOCNCB and for you?
According to the Summit sponsors, there is power in a collective effort. Research collaboration will enable us to achieve a greater impact than could otherwise be achieved alone. Our participation, in sprit, support and effort, has the potential to generate recognition for not only the nursing certification industry, but every organization that lends its support.
Click here for a full report of the Summit proceedings and outcomes.
New on the WOCNCB Web site
Advanced Practice
Just in time to help you prepare your Advanced Practice portfolio, the WOCNCB Advanced Practice Committee has developed sample scenarios for wound, ostomy and continence.
The scenarios are available as PDFs at http://www.wocncb.org/become-certified/advanced-practice/how-to-obtain.php
Public Policy
Get involved and help the WOCNCB to spread the message of the value of The Gold Standard for Certificationsm. Visit our new Public Policy page to learn how.
Continuing Education Resources - Wound, Ostomy and Continence
The WOCNCB Marketing Committee reviews and updates this page quarterly. Be sure to contact the WOCNCB office if links are broken, obsolete, or if you have suggested resources to add.