WOCNCB Certification Inspiration
A Conversation with a Certified Ostomy Care Nurse
By: Jeanine Gleba Advocacy UOAA and Joanna Burgess-Stocks BSN RN CWOCN
Duration: 20:09 | File size: 3545KB
Jeanine Gleba, the Advocacy Manager at United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) discusses the value of specialty nursing with Joanna Burgess-Stocks a Certified Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurse (CWOCN). Across the country, there is a huge gap in access to Certified Ostomy Care Nurses. Hear the positive difference access to a Certified Ostomy Care Nurse has on patients, families the health care facility staff. Joanna will discuss the specialty education and clinical skills needed for specialty nursing certification.