Practice Exam (SAE)

Self Assessment Examination

The WOCNCB Self Assessment Exam (SAE) provides self assessment (or practice) to measure your professional knowledge and prepare you for the actual credentialing exam. Each SAE costs $45 and contains 55 questions. The web-based SAEs give instantaneous scoring and results plus feedback on your answers. 

Usage of the SAE’s or any exam preparation material provided by WOCNCB is optional, and is separate from the certification exams or their content and do not include actual examination questions. The exam preparation materials are not the only or preferred route to adequate preparation and their use does not imply advantage or successful passing performance on any examination. Additionally, your score on the SAE practice exam is NOT predictive of your score on the certification exam.

Access the WOCNCB Self Assessment Examination:

Certified Wound Care Nurse (CWCN) Self-Assessment Examination

Certified Ostomy Care Nurse (COCN) Self-Assessment Examination

Certified Continence Care Nurse (CCCN) Self-Assessment Examination

Certified Foot Care Nurse (CFCN) Self-Assessment Examination

Certified Wound Care Nurse - Advanced Practice (CWCN-AP) Self-Assessment Examination

Certified Ostomy Care Nurse - Advanced Practice (COCN-AP) Self-Assessment Examination

Certified Continence Care Nurse - Advanced Practice (CCCN-AP) Self-Assessment Examination

The Value of Certification Nurses
The Value of Certification Administrators
The Value of Certification Consumers

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