Previously Asked Questions
Hi, I am in the process of recertifying both my wound and ostomy(W/O) renewal. One question I have is, do I have to choose from every category (1, 2 &3)?
I had been to WOCNext Conference last 5 years so I have 40 points/CE from for both W/O.
I also have 40 points for working over 2000 hours each specialty. That gives me 80 points for W/O .
I can add projects if needed for category 3 if necessary, but was not sure if needed. I could not find anywhere it stated it had to be points form each category. Any help appreciated! Thanks Erin
Answered March 25, 2025
Thank you for your question. No you do not have to choose from every category. You must have 10 ceu's as stated in Category one and then can fill in with the other categories to reach your 80 points
I am on my institutions pressure injury committee facilitating a hospital wide pressure injury survey of all patients in-house on prevalence day. I am also the acting recorder/secretary. How many PGP points can I use for professional practice under the wound specialty.
Answered March 25, 2025
Thank you for your question. For the committee related to prevelance day this can fall under your collected hours of work or you can look at category 3 and see if your committe work can falll under the facility organization on page 13 of the PGP 2024 handbook
How many American nurses currently hold a CFCN certification
Answered March 25, 2025
There are approximately 740 CFCN certified nationally.
I am working on CE's toward Ostomy certification renewal through the PGP. Would a class on fistula management be considered Ostomy Specialty specific?
Do you have any other resources for Ostomy specialty CE's? I have been having trouble finding these.
Answered March 25, 2025
Thank you for your question. Fistula managment can be either under ostomy or wound. Please check out the WOCN continuing education site for ostomy related CEU's. Several of the industry companies related to ostomy products offer CEU 's also . You would need to ask each company
Hello, I am entering CE from participation at the WOCNext 2022. The CE certificate refers to contact hours (CH). Is that how it should be entered and not (CE). Also, Where a session shows 1.0 CH for W and 0.50 CH for Pharm and I adding the entire 1.5 CH under my specialty or only the 1.0. Thanks
Answered March 21, 2025
The terminology "Contact Hours" is essentially the same as "CE", and you can consider each one hour as one CE or one PGP point. If they divided a 1.5 hour course into 1.0 for wound and 0.5 for pharmacology, it would mean you count just 1.0 for wound. Usually the portion on pharmacology is applicable CE for the NP.
Hello! I am entering info into my PGP profile and just learning how to navigate the system. I am a little confused on entering CEs form the 2022 Northwest WOCN conference. The "session/Course Provider" is the WOCN, and "Approved Accrediting Organization" would also be the WOCN, would it not?! At the bottom of my Certificate of Completion for the CEs it states that the program is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, PI# CEP15965, so this is confusing me further. Is this the WOCN then? Help! I would like to get this correct the first time if I can.
Thanks so much.
Answered March 20, 2025
The course provider is the NW Regional WOCN, and the approved accrediting org is the CA Board of Nursing. The course was provided by your region, and the region sent their course details for approval for awarding CE to the attendees through the board of nursing.
I have been an Associate Degree Registered nurse since 1996. Do I have to have a Baccalaureate to become wound certified?
Answered March 19, 2025
We have a certification for the LPN or Associate Degree RN -- "Wound Treatment Associate - Certified" (WTA-C.) Please find the Eligibility page on this website, under "Certification / Wound Treatment Associate - Certified."
If I recertify 6 months prior to expiration, when is the start of the 5-year certification? is it the time you finished/passed all the tests, or the time when the actual certification expires? (I hope it's like the RN license where it's the same month every time because i don't want to lose the 6 months that i had left)
Answered March 19, 2025
When you recertify, the new credential expiration will be the same timeframe as the certification expiration, so it is adding 5 years to the existing credential.
I finished the PGP points for CWCN-AP and
CFCN, it did not allow me any option to pay, and I was wondering if someone can take a look at it, Also, when would be a good time and day to talk to someone for help? I am only off of work every other Wednesday. So, I have March 26th off of work, I really would like to get this submitted, Thank You,
Answered March 17, 2025
WOCNCB staff are available M - F from 8 am to 4:30 pm and can look at your portfolio. If you have any items that need addressing, it will show you a yellow warnings box with instructions. After making sure the portfolios are complete, you would see a "Submit Application" link, approximately in the same position where you clicked on Add Activity.
I participated in a trial of the new Esteem Body by Convatec. Our institution was one of four hospitals in the US that were participating. The trial has led to a better understanding of the use of convexity in the immediate post op period and I have seen a change in practice by my co-workers. We are all using more convexity. Can this participation in the trial be used for PGP points for recertification? If so how should I list it and how many points in my ostomy specialty.
My second questions. Do I get 1 point or 10 points for poster viewing at conference. I have attended multiple conferences and would like to use points in each specialty. For example use the poster viewing points from Cleveland for one specialty and points from Fort Worth in another specialty.
Thanks for your assistance.
Answered March 15, 2025
Good morning. thank you for your questions. for your first question, Please review page 14 of the PGP handbook under product trial. It is under the 5 point category.
Question 2: you may review page 10 of the PGP handbook and see that you may claim points for poster viewing. You would enter under CEU's. You can use appendix A to help you in how to enter them into your portfolio.
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