Previously Asked Questions



What is the difference between specialty and CEU? I enter either specialty or PP and CEU# are listed. Then the numbers of points do not align with the requirements. Hereto, in gleaning PP from volunteer both WOCN ventures & other wound foot care related projects the number is greater than 40, so find I have to delete points earned. What am I doing incorrectly? Thanks.. sorry have spent hours and hours on this trying to meet the system requirements

Answered July 15, 2024
Within the portfolio, you are to identify each activity/project/CE entered and included - as to whether each item relates to the Specialty or whether it relates to Professional Practice. In other words, how does the item's content relate to the clinical Specialty (or not). Then, when you are using CE's and if they pertain to the clinical Specialty, they should be marked as "Specialty" (using the Specialty checkbox). Keeping all this in mind, for your entire portfolio must contain at least 80 points (but no more than 90) -- and at least half of the 80 total must pertain to the Specialty, although the entire portfolio could relate to the specialty. Then, for just the CE portion itself, you must have at least 10 of the CE deemed as pertaining to the specialty. You are allowed to have up to 40 CE total in a portfolio. When the CE does pertain to "Professional Practice" topics (such as 'legal issues' for example) you are Limited to 10 CE that pertain to Professional Practice topics. You will see within your PGP account, a listing of your total portfolio points, a listing of how many of these are marked as pertaining to the Specialty, a listing of how many of the portfolio points pertain to Professional Practice topics, etc. It is a summary to list how your points are earmarked. If you have additional questions, please contact us directly.

Is there a max amount of points you can receive for precepting over the 5 year period? Or do you just have to at least have a minimum of 10 hours?

Answered July 15, 2024
There is no minimum or maximum for the precepting points. The point value for your precepting is 5 points for each 10 hours.

Since I chose the traditional pathway, I'm going to complete the SWA individual learner course and do the 16 clinical hours. Does the preceptor still have to apply and be approved by NAWCO in order to start the clinical hours with the candidate ? NAWCCB is where I found the information to see what a preceptor's requirements must be to provide the clinical hours. Thank You

Answered July 10, 2024
WOCNCB is not affiliated in any way with NAWCO or NAWCCB. The only requirement for the WTA-C preceptor is whether they are considered a wound care expert. The wound care expert can be any RN holding an active wound care certification through the WOCNCB, i.e. CWCN® or CWCN-AP®. An active WTA-C® is not an acceptable clinical preceptor. They can be an MD, NP or PA holding a certification as CWS®, or CWSP®. An active CWCA® is not an acceptable clinical preceptor.

I have a multistate LPN license. I've been living in Maryland for 7 months now. I have endorsed my LPN license since December 2023, however it still shows "pending" on the board of nursing. My license is still active on the board of nursing from the other state. Do I need to wait until it no longer says "pending" so I can sit for the WTA board ? Thank You

Answered July 9, 2024
If you have an active license from any state, you may want to list that one rather than then other pending one. We are not specifically looking for you to reside in the same state.

I am an LPN. Currently, I'm in nursing school to get my RN. I am interested into becoming a WTA-C nurse. I wanted to know how many hours do I need to get in the clinical hours to be able to sit for the WTA board ? I'm confused because I have seen that 120 hours are required but other places show 16 hours. Also, I want to practice before taking the board, do I click on the CWCN self-assessment examination ? I do not know if that practice test is for LPNs that are interested into becoming a WTA nurse. Thank You.

Answered July 8, 2024
The clinical hours amount will depend upon which courses you take. In other words, if you take the "WTA" or the "SWA" course linked within the Traditional Pathway information on our website, then you need 16 clinical hours. If you take any other CE course pertaining to wound care (not the WTA or SWA course), then you use your clinical experience hours for the "Experiential Pathway" and need 160 hours. This is listed on our "Eligibility" page on this website under 'Certification / WTA'. I hope this clarifies.

In ensuring that there are the exact # of points needed for the PGP, the 3 sections: specialty, professional & CE points do not align. What is the difference between a CE and Specialty? In listing all points as either Specialty or PP, somehow CEU gets calculated. Hereto, if generated points from being on a committee or volunteer work, then one has to delete the other PP points. What am I missing? I have spent well over 12 hrs trying to align all the time spent with the rules of entry. Thank You

Answered July 8, 2024
For a PGP portfolio, anything that you enter for points will need to be identified whether they relate to the specialty (a wound CE pertaining to that specialty may go into a wound portfolio since it relates to wound care), or may relate to "professional" topics. For example, a professional topic CE might be "Legal Issues" and therefore is a "Professional Practice" CE. So, when entering your CE, you will mark the checkbox for either Specialty or PP, depending on the subject matter content. Then, separately, within your total 80 PGP points, at least Half must pertain to the specialty. Keep in mind an entire portfolio could have activities that are ALL related to the specialty, since PP is not a requirement (meaning your portfolio does not need to contain items related to "professional" topics.) When you do include items pertaining to PP topics, for example a committee, is when we are Limiting how many points in PP topics can be used. For the CE category, on its own, you are limited to 10 CE pertaining to PP topics. For the PGP portfolio overall, since you MUST have at least half is related to the specialty, this leaves you with a limit of 40 that may pertain to PP. A portfolio example might be -- 10 specialty CE, 40 practice hours, and 30 in committee work. Please contact us directly if you have more questions.

I am in the process of recertifying. I have over 40 CEU's and I get a warning. Can I still submit my application or does it need to exactly 40 ceu's ?

Answered July 8, 2024
A PGP portfolio may only have up to 40 CE, and if you have anything over that will need to be adjusted. For example, if your CE is at 41.25, you should remove 1.25 from somewhere. You can adjust any of your CE as needed by claiming partial.

I am in the process of, hopefully, being published on a pressure injury prevention related article (peer reviewed) for a journal affiliated with HCA organization. Wanted to verify that article could be used for PGP points regardless of journal type/source. Also, wanted to clarify if this would be considered professional practice or CE related? Thank you

Answered July 8, 2024
You may use a journal article review, regardless of the organization, as long as it pertains to the specialty, and as long as it is a peer-reviewed journal. A journal article review is not typically something you have done to earn CE credits. When the content of the article pertains to pressure injuries, that is specifically related to wound care, so would count as a Specialty item since it relates to wounds.

Is there a template that already exists for logging practice hours that is provided on website? Thank you

Answered July 8, 2024
Yes, there is a form for download on this website on the PGP page, and scroll down to "Resources" for the "Practice Hours Tracking Form".

Once one has submitted the data for the purpose of the "WOCN Society's Value of a WOCN Quality Improvement Project", what other actions and documentation is needed to verify/prove participation in this PGP activity to earn the allotted points. Thank you for your time.

Answered July 5, 2024
The WOCN Society Q.I. project can be entered into your PGP account using the activity "Research-Data Analysis/Collection" worth 10 points. You will enter information within your account to be included in your submitted portfolio. If the PGP portfolio is audited, you would need the Society's confirmation letter verifying your participation.

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