Advance Practice Recertification

Once you have earned the CWOCN-AP®, CWON-AP®, CWCN-AP®, or CCCN-APSM credential(s), and wish to recertify, you may either take the certification exams again, or use the portfolio method to recertify. The WOCNCB established the portfolio method as an alternative to taking an exam for recertification.


The WOCNCB Advanced Practice exams are administered by Meazure Learning, our testing agency, and are computerized multiple-choice.  There are 110 scored questions on the WOC AP level exams. All exams have 10 non-scored pretest questions, which are not identified as scored or non-scored. Pretesting items allows the WOCNCB to continually evaluate new examination questions so that we maintain high quality examinations.

Candidates are allowed 120 minutes to complete the examinations. Examinations are administered individually and can be scheduled to be taken sequentially or on separate days.

Click to Download Candidate Examination Handbook PDF

AP Portfolio

To be eligible for WOCNCB Advanced Practice portfolio for recertification, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Hold a current RN license
  • Possess current advanced practice WOCNCB certification
  • Submit an activity portfolio by following requirements from the AP Handbook.

Upon approval of certification via portfolio, individuals receive their CWOCN-AP®, CWON-AP®, CWCN-AP®, COCN-AP®, or CCCN-APSM credential. Certification must be re-established every five years.

Complete eligibility and application details are available in the WOCNCB Advanced Practice Handbook.

Download AP forms to submit for recertification. Send completed forms via email, mail or fax (414-276-2146).


Pay the AP Portfolio Application Fee

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